Monday, 31 March 2008

Today was a rather ordinary day yet again I guess.

I applied for a job near the airport as a food technologist, the role requiring work in developing new foods and recipes, and allergen testing/sample production for clients as required as well as quality assurance work. I think I am reaching that point of 'apply for anything' as time is getting along with no word on the thesis, and no responses from any other jobs applied for.

I've also started to look abroad as more and more valid options. The easiest is to go teach english in some asian country for some measly amount of money..... I could do it, but then it would just seem like an absolute waste of my PhD, but at the same time, the experience (but definitely not the money) would be probably really good for me, and round out my own abilities etc. Who knows....

Kendo training today in the afternoon, a good size of beginners turned out. More basics led by Maowei today. I didn't feel that I trained well today, just wasn't particularly sharp or fast. My koto bioshinai has finally reached it's end almost. I need to sand it down carefully if I want to continue using it, otherwise I'm now reduced to a deluxe shinai from (formerly known as amplus). Then I will need money to buy/import my shinais since I have expensive tastes lol, like everything else of mine as Jacinta pointed out. Oh well, I guess that is only fair enough, I appreciate the finer things haha =P

Peter though did tell me I had really good seme but I needed to focus more on simple movements and attacks, and to really go forwards with my attacks, more zanshin. I think that will be a problem for a while to come, being able to produce the zanshin and drive that the more aggressive players have. I still revert to defensive mode even when I attempt to be more on the attack. I guess time will slowly bring about that change.

I was super tired though, got on a semi-crowded all stops train home, and when I managed to get a seat, I dozed off and woke up about 8 stations later.... which is quite a while considering it is a 15 station trip home and I didn't get a seat for about 4 stations LOL, I think just as well I did wake up otherwise I could have missed my stop. Dinner and fudged around.

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