Monday, 14 April 2008

I thought I should start using the title labels on posts since it is there on the blog posts.

Today, I attended the Careers Fair held at the Great Hall and McLaurin Hall at Sydney Uni. The weather was pretty wet, and a little miserable but a very large turnout inside. There was a very large number of companies with interest in hiring graduates, however I felt that too many of them were from the finance/accounting sector to be a nice spread. I spent two hours talking with several companies about what they did, what they had on offer and prospects of me joining them, to which, most of them were fairly useless for me or had not much interest to me either. On the other hand, I did snag a few nice goodies here and there so it wasn't a complete waste of time LOL. I did get really good reception and interest from Hays Recruitment and GHD so I have sent of information to Hays so far. Jess in my office has applied with GHD, so perhaps I should too. I also registered my information with Unilever on their website. Freebies are always good compensation from companies that suck haha.

I finished watching another movie, called Wristcutter (A love Story), where it is about a bunch of people who have died (generally by suicide or alternative means like overdosing from drugs) and they live in this 'limbo' world. I guess it is a form or purgatory if you will where everything is a dull colour tone, no-one is happy, and life just drags on and on. The main character knocks himself off because of a girl, and decides to try to find her in this world because he hears she also did the same thing. One thing leads on to another and he is on a roadtrip where he encounters some truly bizarre people. The ending is actually more interesting than anything else, at least to me, but it was an alright film.

I put the lactose crystallisation samples into the oven today, so will be removing them tomorrow. I spoke to my supervisor about the strange results from the sucrose, and we have a new course of action that involves the crystals formed, and also trying the experiments again using pure sucrose that we have ,but just in smaller amounts. Have to see how it goes I guess.

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