Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Grinding and K-drama

I did some more grinding today at the EMU with reasonable results. The resin impregnation didn't really go very well within the samples across all the different schedules since I exposed the S3 and S4 stuff today. Unfortunately I had a minor mishap while grinding so I didn't even finish grinding all of the samples. Since I had to glue the petrie dish to the back of the resin block I was holding onto the petrie dish while I ground them on the grinding wheel. Well, while using the same method today, going at 500rpm, the glue gave way on the petrie dish.... the resin block went flying, my hand with all of the applied force on it went crunch into the sandpaper, the petrie dish exploded and my fingers also proceeded onto the sandpaper.... I got four minor cuts/abrasions on my fingers from it, so I thought I'd quit while I was ahead LOL...

Tomorrow I will be meeting the folks that provided the clay samples and be having a look on the microscopes and seeing how they look and if they are suitable for their purposes or not. Also to see how the schedules are and if they want more of the same work to be done or not....

I got home, and wahey, episode three of delightful girl chun-hyang was done! While the evening passed and I watched episode three, episode four also finished, so I ended up watching both of them LOL. I do like it so far, it has quite a lot of very funny parts and good lines in it. There are still some excess styling in it, like making teardrops 'sparkle' that kind of thing, but I guess they can do that since it is quite a 'young' orientated drama. I think I will enjoy seeing the rest of the series ^^

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