Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Blog Material

Well, I'm really bored right now waiting for dinner. It's freezing cold, well ok, it's not freezing since that would be 0°C which it isn't. Anyway, I've been writing all sorts of odd bits and pieces here, but of late there hasn't been too much that isn't movie or manga. So, dear readers, whoever you are, I'd like to ask for your input to what you might be interested in reading or hearing.

I've asked before, and no-one ever responds quite sadly. So, you can ask questions, or raise issues or comments, or just say hello. Just pop something in the comments section (the link is under the post) or even meander across to my old fashioned thread message board (the link is on the sidebard, I think 2 or 3 down in one of the categories).

Please, stimulate me with something to write about, just as I hope that what I write about in reply can stimulate you.

Please? ^^

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