My brother is expecting his first child in the near future, and they are on the processes of choosing a name for their child. I don't think they know the gender of the baby, so they have to come up with a male and female, unless they find a unisex name of some description.
Talking with my father this morning over breakfast was on this topic and he told me more about some of the Chinese ideals for names. As I had mentioned previously in regards to fortune telling, there are the elemental aspects for each person depending upon their birth conditions.
To chose an appropriate name also has connections to this, especially with surnames. Apparently my surname is a fire element name, and it contains five characters (in English), therefore, because of our surname, our first+middle names must be of elemental harmony otherwise it will not be a good name for our lives. The harmony means that the names have to be of wood element (because it feeds fire), earth element (because fire feeds earth) or fire element (because they are equal). Not only this, but the characters in the name are important. The total length must be of specific numbers, so eleven is good, but for some reason twelve isn't. My name is fine since I have six and five, making eleven.
Going on, the phonetic sounds of the starting syllable of the name is the element. So, a wood sound is a hard 'k' hard palate sound, while a earth sound is a 'ah' sound from the throat, and the fire sound is ... a 't/tch/do' sound (if you know Japanese, it is the sounds from the ta-tchi-tsu-te-t/do row). So for my name, I have a "do' sound which matches the "ch" sound of my surname. Luckily for me, everything works haha.
So, currently my father is thinking Eugene is a good name for a boy, and Angela for a girl. I think Eugene is the kind of name that gets the kid bashed at school.... off the top of my head, I said Arthur (Ah sound, six characters, all good) but it is a little archaeic really... Any suggestions that fit the criteria?
Talking with my father this morning over breakfast was on this topic and he told me more about some of the Chinese ideals for names. As I had mentioned previously in regards to fortune telling, there are the elemental aspects for each person depending upon their birth conditions.
To chose an appropriate name also has connections to this, especially with surnames. Apparently my surname is a fire element name, and it contains five characters (in English), therefore, because of our surname, our first+middle names must be of elemental harmony otherwise it will not be a good name for our lives. The harmony means that the names have to be of wood element (because it feeds fire), earth element (because fire feeds earth) or fire element (because they are equal). Not only this, but the characters in the name are important. The total length must be of specific numbers, so eleven is good, but for some reason twelve isn't. My name is fine since I have six and five, making eleven.
Going on, the phonetic sounds of the starting syllable of the name is the element. So, a wood sound is a hard 'k' hard palate sound, while a earth sound is a 'ah' sound from the throat, and the fire sound is ... a 't/tch/do' sound (if you know Japanese, it is the sounds from the ta-tchi-tsu-te-t/do row). So for my name, I have a "do' sound which matches the "ch" sound of my surname. Luckily for me, everything works haha.
So, currently my father is thinking Eugene is a good name for a boy, and Angela for a girl. I think Eugene is the kind of name that gets the kid bashed at school.... off the top of my head, I said Arthur (Ah sound, six characters, all good) but it is a little archaeic really... Any suggestions that fit the criteria?
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