Friday, 11 July 2008

Pig Farmers Anecdote

I was saying to my father this morning that I had pretty much became like my brother when he first graduated, in that I was just staying at home bumming around with no jobs being found. To which, irony is present as the governments statistics last night said unemployment as at a record low with more than 30k jobs being advertised/produced last month, which was three times the expected number.

My father said that I wasn't like my brother who was more of an otaku, and then told me a story about one of our family friends, who used to be a pig farmer.

You see, hunting for jobs is like pig farming (as in you raise pigs and then sell them). When you want to be a pig farmer, you have your farm all set up, but you need to buy your baby pigs. Buying them is easier than getting pigs to mate and wait around to give birth to them. So you pop down to the markets daily and inspect the piglets on sale. You can inspect them, and think about them, and buy them, but be wary of buying too quickly. Not all little piglets are the same, and if you rashly buy you will end up with a 30kg pig in a year instead of a 100kg pig, losing you time and money. Take the time to check out the piglet and do your research on which breeds/varieties are the best and how to tell which piglet will grow big and fat. Just like hunting for jobs apparently. Easier to hunt for a job than to start your own company/business, but be wary of jumping into any job as it may cost you time and money, and do your research. In the end, a little time spent looking is a reasonable price to pay for better results later on, apparently.

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