Wednesday, 30 July 2008

A tortoise and a rabbit have a race.... (Full House Jokes)

I've finished watching Full House, and the main girl Ji-Eun has a pretty funny sense of humour, and she has a habit of telling bad pun jokes to try to cheer Young-Jae up at mealtimes. They are truly awful puns LOL but she does tell a set of jokes which, while aren't that funny, are a little cute perhaps.... =P Well, they are really in the same category as the 'stick' and 'bucket' jokes if you know them. I guess it's the delivery method that matters ^^.

A tortoise and a rabbit have a race. Who wins?
The tortoise, he's very fast.

A tortoise wearing sunglasses and the rabbit have a race. Who wins?
The tortoise. It's the same one from before in disguise.

Another tortoise and rabbit have a race. As they go from the start, the tortoise is plodding along as fast as he can, moving as fast as he can. He spots a snail on the ground also racing, and the snail is moving as fast as it can, and the tortoise feels sorry for the snail and tells it to climb on his back. So the tortoise and the snail are moving along as fast as they can when they spot a slug on the ground slugging its way as fast as possible, and feeling its efforts, they pick it up onto the tortoises back also. The slug says hello to the snail. What does the snail say back?
Hang on tight dude, this guy moves fast!

Ok, it was super lame right? But the way she tells is was pretty cute hahaha.

The ending was ok, it was a bit frustrating to watch the series in the sense that he's so stupid, and she is also being so obstinate in her ways too. It does have quite a few nice moments in it, and well, I can see why it was so popular with viewers. I think they could have shortened it or dragged it out more really. I don't really get the k-drama episoding because there is no real consistancy to it, like with Japanese stuff sometimes I guess too. Like anime generally tries to make it 12 or 24 or sometimes 26 eps. But.... 16 eps, 17 eps, 24 eps, all sorts of numbers haha. I guess they fill in slots for viewing seasons however they can...

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