Friday, 8 January 2010


So, I've known of this site for ages, but never went or tried it.
I was super bored, so tried it LOL.

It's a random hookup chat thing based in the web browser between yourself and a "stranger".
I got some rather short conversations with strangers, typically along the lines of "Hey, asl?" then when I reply "Hi, 28 m Sydney" , it says Stranger has disconnected"
lol.... too many people trolling for girls?  28 is too old?... Sydney is undesirable?....

Anyway, after several bogus conversations, including a short one with a /b'tard who was trolling (lol, I asked if he needed /b'lackup and he said yeap, meaning he knew what I was talking about straight off) I had a proper conversation with someone.  For the point that I'm bored, I'll paste the whole conversation below.  You can CTRL + to enlarge if you actually want to read it.  I won't put anything after it incase you don't want to read it.  But, omegle is some harmless fun if you don't get trolled or arrested because you were grooming some underaged kid for sex.... XD

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
You: hey
You: are you going to ask my asl too?
Stranger: I'm male, 16, from Washington State
You: and then disconnect when you find I'm a guy?
You: lol
Stranger: No
You: nice, I'm 28 m Sydney
You: Seattle?
Stranger: Everett. So near there
You: I just came back from New York City on wednesday
Stranger: Really. Why's that?
You: visited my gf for chrismtas and new years, but had to come back for work
You: she's a med student at NYU
Stranger: Cool cool
You: so whats a happening in Everett?
Stranger: Not much.
You: it's like.... just past midnight right now?
You: 1am or so?
Stranger: Yah. It's 3 right now my time. I go to school in a few hours
You: why aren't you sleeping?
You: crazy kids lol
Stranger: Haha
Stranger: Well I just don't feel like it
Stranger: And
Stranger: I have homework later
You: but won't you be like tired as during school?
You: you know, the whole, impeed learning thing
Stranger: Probably. I find that I'm more calm when I'm tired. And I took nap when i got home from school today so I got some rest. I do well. Get my A's (mostly) and take French. So all's good.
You: awesome
You: so, you're in ... year 11 then?
Stranger: what do you mean
You: senior high
You: freshman senior high?
Stranger: I'm a sophomore
Stranger: I graduate in 2012
You: Australian system has highschool starting at year 8, roughly when you're 13... so when you graduate highschool you're in year 12, which is around 17/18 years old
You: oh, so you're year 10 then
You: I don't know the terminologies for US highschool, regardless of how many teen flicks I've seen XD
Stranger: Hehe, I understand.
Stranger: What is your occupation?
You: at the moment, I am a Development Engineer
You: but, technically, I'm a loooooot of things
Stranger: Nice
You: my hmmmm "career" path has been all over the place
Stranger: hehe. Writer?
You: well, I was an academic
You: Postdoctoral researcher, Honorary Research Associate
Stranger: Wow
You: but I also used to dissect human bodies as a Prosector and Anatomical Technician
Stranger: Interesting. How was that?
You: I also used to work at the Cinemas too lol
You: prosection is AWESOME
Stranger: Lol
You: it is so much fun, really interesting, artistic too
You: like, people tend to get grossed out by it, but human anatomy is really facinating
You: I'm a bit strange I guess
Stranger: Well the human body is so complex and is more than just a mystery. How it evolved and came to be is fascinating.
You: it's not like I'm just randomly hacking up peoples bodies, what the job is for, is producing specimens either for museums or for teaching purposes
Stranger: Yes. It's carefully done.
You: do you have any interest in the bio sciences?
Stranger: Yah!
Stranger: I'm in biology now and love it
You: thats really good
Stranger: We're going to disect a cat or a monkey in a month. Not sure which
You: lol
You: I didn't do any bio until I was in university, and then I didn't even do like normal bio, jumped straight into human anatomy and histology.... I also ended up as a microscopist specialist too
You: in case you think I'm bs'ing , I spent 10 years at uni >_< and have 3 university degrees lol....
Stranger: Lol you're dedicated
You: a Bachelor of Science (Anatomy & Histology major, psych and physics minors), Master of Applied Science (Microscopy) and a Doctorate of Philosophy (Chemical Engineering)
You: well, I worked after each degree, but then got offered a tax free scholarship for 3 years for the Doctorate, so took it lol
Stranger: That's cool. I hope to get a grant cus I don't have much money in terms of college and what I want to do.
You: what do you want to do?
Stranger: I'm thinking majoring in journalism and the communications. I want to be a writer.
Stranger: A novelist
You: hmmm
You: not easy
You: in reality, you don't need a university/college degree to be a writer
You: it helps if you want a job to support your living when you are writing your novels
You: lol
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: I'm writing a book now
Stranger: but i've been stalling
You: what kind of genre?
Stranger: SciFi mixed with fantasy
You: your inspirational authors?
Stranger: Erin Hunter, Walden, Pierre Teilhard, the guy who wrote Brave New World (can't remember his name)
You: all unknown to me, except I have heard but never read the Brave New World book
Stranger: Brave New World gets disturbing, haha
You: I guess that might depend on your definition of disturbing though :P
Stranger: I suppose
You: some people find it disturbing to be wrist deep in someones guts
You: or the sound of the bone saw when you take a skull cap off XD
You: ... though, the first time I put a head through a bandsaw was a little unsettling....
You: but I got used to it
You: XP
Stranger: Haha. I get squeemish around the thought of human guts, not animals. But you're one of the few then that can beat that fear.
You: the strange thing is, I can't watch gore movies
Stranger: haha. too fake?
You: I got sensitised to them after watching Saving Private Ryan
You: no... it's just the blood and bleeding
Stranger: I've heard of that movie
You: dead people don't bleed
Stranger: Ah, I see
You: and their blood is all... solid
You: Saving Private Ryan is a good movie, but it's quite sad in that it depicts war like how it really was
Stranger: Eh
You: when I saw it, a lot of older folk left, crying, because of the realism
Stranger: What happens in it, briefly?
You: army has register of soldiers
You: realises that 1 family has lost 3 out of 4 enlisted sons
You: decides, for the sake of the family, they'll locate and pull out the surviving son and send him home
You: so, they get a unit of guys to retrieve him, but the problem is, he's deep in the war
You: so these guys have to fight through a heap of shit to get to him and bring him back
You: and along the way, they loose good men in their unit
You: *lose
You: gah, my spelling is terrible
Stranger: For the sake of one individual...
Stranger: They lose more men
You: yeap
Stranger: heh, not surprising
You: but thats just how it is
Stranger: I'd like to see that movie soon
You: the tragedy of an entire family line being wiped out
Stranger: That is sad. But it happens
Stranger: Is that where i can see it for like free?!
You: 1998... when I was in final year of highschool, so long ago...
You: no, it's just a link to the Internet movie database website which details the movie
Stranger: Oh alright thank you
You: wow
You: I didn't realise it won 5 oscars
Stranger: Don't think it deserved that?
You: oh, I think it did, but just wasn't aware it was that accoladed
Stranger: 53 nominations
You: yeah
You: so I see
You: well, it's a pretty grim film
Stranger: I'll probably convince my mom to rent it or something.
You: I still have in my memory the machinegun scene.... T_T
Stranger: That must of hurt lol
You: the guy was pouring blood out of his body from the bullet holes while the rest of the unit are jabbing him with morphine as he dies
You: ~shudder~
You: and thus why, I can't handle gore -_-
You: lol
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Haha. Finally someone else who uses "thus"
You: so what do you do in your spare time besides write ?
You: lol
You: ye olde english
You: I have written much myself, in fact, I met my gf through fanfic RPG of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time
Stranger: Wheel of Time!!!!
Stranger: : )
Stranger: I so want to read that
You: ohhh, be prepared to spend a lot of annoyed hours towards the end of the series
You: it has a tendancy to drag on a bit as his plot threads escalate in number dramatically as the main cast split off in different activities
Stranger: Yah my friend is reading the series and recommended it, and I thought I'd give it a try
You: I really loved it up to book 9, then it started to get a bit tedious in bits
You: but it's good solid fantasy
Stranger: Yah
You: but, he was dying at that stage (Robert Jordan) so I guess his writing kind of deteriorated somewhat
Stranger: Oh yah... forgot he isn't around anymore
You: yeah
You: another one that is interesting is George RR Martin
You: it's fantasy with a heavy medieval background, but what makes it very different is that the author isn't afraid of killing off characters that you get attached to
Stranger: Never heard of him
Stranger: Have you heard of the show called Lost
You: yeap
You: I watched the first season, then stopped
Stranger: Haha. Been watching for .... five years now
Stranger: And i totally understand why you stopped
Stranger: lol
You: lol
You: it was interesting until the bunker and finding the other group
You: then it just kind of stopped making much realistic sense
You: even if you are on an island with some weird stuff going on
You: I don't like the show Fringe either
You: too much crap "science" in it
Stranger: I don't like Fringe
Stranger: Yes
You: hmmm
You: Mentalist is good
You: I like House :P
Stranger: Yes!!!
Stranger: I love Mentalist
You: Dexter is okay in it's 4th season, better in 1st n 2nd
You: Burn Notice is good
You: Better off Ted is hilarious
You: Loooooooove Mythbusters
Stranger: Hahaha. Nice
You: I don't do much besides Facebook and watch stuff
You: cos my desktop got lightning fried, so I'm using a netbook now -_-
Stranger: Ah that sucks. I don't have a facebook. have a myspace
You: I don't even know what happened to my myspace
You: lol
Stranger: Haha
You: dead n gone no doubt
Stranger: I wonder if it was cancelled or something.
You: perhaps
You: in any case, I'm going to go have a shower and then bed, I have Kendo training in the morning :)
If you are inclined, you're welcome to drop by my blog and read through my ramblings lol
you can find it if you google my online nick of Flehrad
You: and with that nick, you'll find all other traces of me online
You: cos... it's pretty unique
You: lol
Stranger: Flehrad. Ok ill check it out
Stranger: Sounds cool.
You: omg
Stranger: what
You: google even found my myspace page
You: lol
Stranger: Haha
Stranger: Awesome
You: when I searched Flehrad it came up with 5100 results
Stranger: I love google too
You: roflol, 6 friends! wooooot
Stranger: :))
You: anyway, it was a pleasure talking to you, Male, 16 from Everett
You: thank you, I hope you have a great day at school and good luck with your dreams
You: never give up on them, since they'll never give up on you
Stranger: Thank you! You actually talked to me tonight, so thanks. I had a good time.
You: you're welcome ^_^
You: Goodnight~
You have disconnected.

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