Monday, 2 January 2012

Fresh for 2012, wrapping up 2011

So, 2011 was a rather interesting year for me, and now well into 2012, besides having to get used to writing dates with 2012 on it, I'm not quite sure what will befall me in the coming period of time.

2011 saw me do a lot of shooting.  Probably not as much as I could have ultimately done in the last quarter of the year, but certainly I did more shooting in the year than I had ever imagined I would ever do.  2011 also saw me spend a significant chunk of my savings in going overseas for an earnest experience of international level archery.  Certainly expensive, but well worth it.

Friendships developed and changed over the year also, and I am amazed at how I have been able to sustain, and even develop friendships between people that I didn't see on a regular basis at all.

Life goes on, and so do jobs also.  My employment at the university is currently over, but a grant application has been submitted.  While it originally seemed rather positive, some kind of miscommunication and misunderstanding of our concept means that it isn't anywhere as positive as we had originally though it would be, so its hard to say if the grant will be successful in the end or not.  To that, I have applied for at least one position currently with the Australian Public Service.

I guess the only other major thing for the year of interest and note is me dabbling in watercolour art, having painted a few pieces now, I really do find it enjoyable but frustrating at times in terms of developing my technique and getting pieces to look how I wanted.  I don't do too much of it at the moment due to space availability to set up painting, but we'll see how 2012 goes for that too.  You can see my works on my deviantart profile (same ID tag as everything else).

So, happy new year, and perhaps I will be more active in blogging again.


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