Tuesday 1 June 2004


My weekend was a complete bludge.

Thanks must go to Jenny for lending me the Angelic Layer tapes.
Guess what I did?
I watched Angelic Layer!
All however many episodes it was.
A grand total of about 9 hours veged over two days infront of the screen.

However, it wasn't completely unproductive.
I have started to knit a beanie, and when I finish it (I will finish it, but I don't know when) it will be for Kirsten because she doen't actually have a beanie....

I started with 88 stitches on a straight rod, and after about 20 or so rows, I have started to knit two together in intervals of 10 , then 9, and right now it's still 9 stitches. That is so I am gradually reducing the width so it turns into a curvy triangular shape, in which I will sew the edge together to form the beanie. =)

Back to Angelic Layer.

Misaki and Hikaru.
Very Cute

I must say that the action scenes of the Angels entering the Layer were very repetitious, just with changed backgrounds.
As well as Misaki had *2* entry lines in her book, one for the first half, one for the second half.
We only get to hear one of them which is "Angels of Light, please guide blah blah"....

However, the final battle against Athena is interesting, especially with the "pocket nuke" as I shall call it.
Since it practically destroys everything in the layer, how could anyone expect to win against that anyway?!!!!

But, Hikaru of course does what they did in Independance Day, and smacks the nuke head on, and causes a massive explosion, that rips the entire layer into shreds.....


However, I did start on my case study.
I looked up the DET document policies regarding child protection, and tonight,I also looked up the actual child protection act of 1998 that we must abide by from the Department of Community Services (DOCS).

My hands are cold....

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