Sunday 26 September 2004

On other things more recently.

More so related to Archery and a International Dinner.

Archery. As per usual.
However, since the 17th, I have started to count the number of arrows I shoot at each session.
Some people have asked me why, and then comment “it’s not the quantity, but the quality of what you shoot”.
But at the same time, false.
I should be doing SPT exercises, to build my strength for when I shoot.
I bought some exercise stretch bands for that purpose, but it isn’t the same as shooting a bow, or drawing a bow at all. I would use my bow at home, but I’m too afraid of dry firing and killing my bow. So I don’t.
Which means I’m not as strong as I should and need to be.
Thus I count my arrows, and try and keep up a consistent number. Rob, our resident newbie-pro archer (shooting for about 10 months and is kicking our butts) suggests to shoot 60 arrows a day if possible.
However, since it’s not possible for me, I try and shoot as much as I can each session.
17th – 115 arrows
21st – 92 arrows
25th – 152 arrows
26th – 252 arrows
I’m hoping that each session at uni, I can shoot at least 100 arrows. The 252 was on a Saturday and was for 5.5 hours, compared to 3 hours normal at uni, which I did the 152 arrows at.
The 92 arrows was because I was trying to help Guy fix his bow problems a lot.
But, I’ll be trying to keep that up if possible.
As well as saving up money for stronger limbs, which I would have to do heaps of exercises to be able to shoot properly.

As for the international dinner.

It was held at Kirsten’s church, and putting it bluntly, it was a dual purpose event. One to reinforce those who were already Christians with the message of god, and then to try and induce those who weren’t Christians, who had come as guests to the event, to listen to the word of god and see if they would be interested in learning more, or accepting god.

The guest speaker was someone called David Cooke, and he leads the Sydney Missionary Bible College, where they train missionaries to go to other countries to do church plantings and try to increase the number of gods true children and believers.

It wasn’t exactly bible bashing, but, I always find it interested that each “church” event I have been to in the past, this included, there is the overlying tone that they are even bible bashing the already Christian folk that are there…
But Kirsten calls it positive reinforcement…
Which of course is true, but it’s not really what I like.

The speech David gave was about what Kirsten’s mother called “Gospel in a nutshell”.

Essentially the reference of John 3:16.
Now, without a bible, lets see how botched a job I can do on reciting it from memory just from hearing it last night.

“And God loved the world so much, that he sent his Son Jesus to die for them, and those who believe will not perish but live for eternity.”

Hmm, now with a google search, let us compare.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”
(this comes from the King James version I found on the first link Google presented when I did the search of “John 3:16”

Hmm, what do you reckon? I have an alright memory? I have no idea which version David used…

But it was very repetitious, and that is probably why I managed to remember it…..

The rest of the night was pretty good though, nice food, and fun company with the others at our “table” and sofa’s that we had.

It’s practically my last week of freedom now before I start work, so it’ll be interesting to get back into gear to “work”…..

But the money will be something my bank accounts will definitely welcome =)

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