Tuesday 30 August 2005

If anyone in the region of Sydney Uni goes to Azzuri Cafe, I would like to ask for a boycott of their services and coffee.

To explain my reasons, it is because they are unreasonable to their staff.

This is specifically to Nick the owner. One of the managers, Dave, he is a great guy, and so is Andy and one of the Sarah's that work there.

The simple deal is this.

As a cash in hand casual, if you are rostered to finish at 6pm and close shop, you would expect to finish at 6pm.

Not so, the staff are forced to work past 6pm without pay until everything is cleaned and packed away, regardless if it is 5minutes, or an hour on busy days when a lot of stuff has been used, put out etc.

If they refuse to do so, then they are fired.

The two points is that this is illegal in both cash in hand payments (Tax evasion) and the whole not paying after 6pm even if they work until 7pm to clean.

The second point is that they have no rights because they are paid as casuals cash in hand, so no contracts exist, which is also illegal, therefore the industrial relations organisation have no power to help.

So, the only path of action to take on this unfair dismissal is to approach the Tax Office and inform them of the tax evasion by Azzuri Cafe.

Quite simply, not only do the staff avoid getting tax, and get paid a lower than minimum wage, the business also probably avoids paying tax as it has no employment records...

So, if you can, please don't use their services and help out the sour grapes of the owner Nick earn more money at the expense of the student staff. Not to mention that they get ripped off, and the fact that they have no rights and the turnover rate is very high. If you piss Nick off, then you get fired.....

And spread the word if possible. Azzuri's suck arse. But Dave, Andy and thin Sarah are cool!

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