Saturday 2 February 2008

Hello World, This is Don.

I am so sore it is actually quite funny. I went to the Grading Seminar today in Picton for the first time. For some reason, I had always thought Picton was some far away place, instead of being the outskirts of Sydney that it is. So much so that it only takes about an hour to get to from my place. I stopped off this morning to pick up Steve and I met his folks, very nice people, and I've been invited to his place for a birthday BBQ in a few weeks, so I should be going to that unless something major comes along and stops me.

The drive down was pretty easy, even though I woke up at like 6:30am for fear of getting lost, but I should be ok to drive it solo tomorrow because Steve is staying overnight with the others from our club that actually went today. There are supposed to be 14 people grading, except that only 5 of them turned up, pikers! Their reason was that it is apparently the last day of training for one of our sempais before he goes to Adelaide for uni. Oh well, their loss I guess, hope they know their stuff enough for the grading tomorrow.

Todays warmup was very rigorous compared to what we have. We ran laps and laps of the hall, then proceeded to do 30x of jogesuburi, nanasuburi, 2step men, 2step sayomen, 1step men, 1step sayomen and raishisuburi (spelling? I think that is what it sounded like). Then we did 50 hayasuburi, 40 hayasuburi, 30 hayasuburi, 20 hayasuburi, 10 hayasuburi, and then another 10 hayasuburi.

The groups broke up into the 5th and 6th Kyu grading, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Ky Grading, and the Ikkyu and Dans together. We then did our own grading practices.

Since I was going for 4th Kyu, the material we covered was kihon men, kote, doh, kihon ni waza (kihon kote-men, kote doh), kirikaeshi, and Uchigomigeiko But, since our group also had the 3rd Kyu people, we also did kihon san waza (kihon kote-men-doh, kote-men-men etc) and practiced more Uchigomigeiko. The two people who were grading for 2nd Kyu went off to the side and did kakarigeiko practice themselves.

Lunch was pretty simple, good healty self-made sandwiches that were tasty.

After lunch, we broke up into State Team, and non State Team people. The non-state team folk, myself included, then broke up into 2nd Kyu and below, and Ikkyu and Dan. Our group did waza training on shinai pressure and keeping the centerline with our kensens. It is actually quite an important point, and was good to practice it.

Once that was finished, we had a entertaining match where the whole lot of kendokas were split into two groups, and we had a big match. If you won your match, you stay in to continue fighting until you lose, or you draw where both switch out. We started on the lowest graded two and went from there. It was a ippon match, so first point wins. I didn't win my match though I didn't stay defensive like I used to, really pushed it and I felt really good. I thought I had one good kote cut, but they obviously didn't. The prize of winning was not to do another 100 hayasuburi that the losing team had to do. However, the last match ended in a draw, meaning we all had to do it, and being the hardcore kendo people that were leading us, it meant we had to do 100 hayasuburi cuts for each team, meaning 200. I nearly died LOL.

So that was my day of training, and then a good drive home.
Tomorrow will be the grading so I will post about that.
I'm fairly confident that I will get the 4th Kyu, and if it goes well, then 3rd Kyu would be nice. I technically also know and can do the stuff for 2nd Kyu also but I don't think my body would survive it by the time I did everything for 4th, and then have to repeat it for 3rd and then do it again for 2nd plus the kakarigeiko and jigeiko at the end. I am in no rush anyway, if I get 3rd, it means in August at the Founders Cup weekend I can attempt 2nd, otherwise ~shrug~ attempt 3rd.

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