Sunday, 6 April 2008

Another weekend finished.

Friday was a dual AGM day for me. The Archery Club held the AGM for 2008 with election of new office bearers and just some discussions on what is going on with the club. The newbies were present and interested to help out so that was pretty good. The meeting was over in roughly 34 minutes and we conducted a decent amount of material such as fundraising, club competition, equipment and general business.

One thing that really didn't make my day was that our locker was broken into. Someone cut through the bolt retaining metal on the outside door, and then blowtorched/Oxyacetylene cut through both the locks on the inside door to the locker. Then it appears they opened up the cabinets, took out three bows, some arrows, did some skylarking before putting them back and either leaving, or cable-tying the doors shut before leaving because the doors were cable-tied shut... I spoke with someone at St Paul's College about it, and it appears that a crowbar had been found on the side of the oval on Wednesday... and it may have been related, so I will need to file an incident report with Security Services tomorrow.

Following from that was Friday afternoon Kendo training as usual. It was a little different to normal because Maowei wanted to finish it slightly earlier so people could be packed up and changed with enough time to attend the AGM at 6pm promptly. So, after warmup we did some footwork and had the first kata session for the year, and everyone joined in. I actually like doing kata, not entirely sure why, maybe because holding a bokken feels nice. In any case, it really annoyed me some that our younger non-beginner members were stuffing around like idiots. My partner is from that same generation, but he took it seriously, like you should be in training, with the intent to learn, and practice correctly. The guys to my right, both of them who have been with the club for at least a year if not longer, should have known better. If they had paid attention to what was going on and being taught, then they wouldn't have had the problem of not knowing what to do, and stuffing around even more. Shame on you. We only did the first kata but that took quite a while. The bogu players then did a quick rotation of kirikaeshi before going into jigeiko.

The Kendo club AGM was pretty lame in my opinion, having been to a few, and hosted a few myself. It went on for almost 70minutes, and all they did during that time was the election of the office bearers, and voting upon the amendment of the club constitution so that the title of theSydney Uni Sport organisation became Sydney Uni Sport and Fitness. In addition to this, the wrangling regarding the office bearers. I understand the point of being involved, most certainly, and I applaud their constitution that allows the firing of club execs that do not perform their duties adequately. However, I disagree, and am saddened that one person's comments would have such an effect on an administrative point. Our instructor denied someone nomination to be the club secretary. On the pure basis that the were not a player of kendo. The secretary role has got nothing to do with if you are a player or not. If you are a member of a club, and you want to get involved in the administration, in theory, there is no reason whatsoever why you could not participate in the executive. Especially since the secretarial role requires technically no knowledge of kendo, only how the club operates, which can be easily seen/learned by being a member of the club in the first place. I hate it when people don't comprehend what structures exist for what purpose. Anyway, I was nominated for a few positions, and I wasn't voted in as any. It's not a huge deal for me since it is their loss if they wanted my help and advice from my experience lol. Jacinta did ask me to help being an advisor anyway, so if she does ask me, since she is once again a vice president of the club, then I would be most happy to help out.

After the AGM, those who wanted to go to night training buggered off, while I joined a few others for dinner down in Glebe, a small Thai place. Not bad, a little pricey but it was nice. Afterwards we trekked back to Rania's apartment at Sydney Uni Village and chatted while watching random crap on tv.

Saturday training was something different.
Our instructor told us something at the start of the session, that I think was a really great point. He said, we are (the bogu players) now at the point where we know what we should be doing. And what we should be practicing. Therefore, from now on, when we do waza training, it is up to us what we will practice. He will suggest the particular waza, but if we want to do kihon men only, then, we can, and we will practice it until we feel that we should move on. So, I did just that. I did kihon men with almost all the waza rotation with the exception of kirikaeshi and a waza exercise that was a kihon men cut, push, men, men. I will attempt to do that and I hope that my cuts will improve for the effort I give into it.

Post training on saturday was lunch at broadway, and then we bummed until much much later and went to have hotpot downtown on Sussex St. There was 10 of us, and it came to $26.20 each, so reasonable for the volume we had. Very filling. The hotpot had regular cooking side, and then 'hot' side. The hot side is no joke, it's insanely hot in terms of chilli, peppercorn, garlic and goodness knows what else they put into it....... it even form a evil skin of hotness when the water had reduced some.... French Riviera for ice-cream afterwards, then onwards to Korean Karaoke! It was $100 for the large room (room number 1, with a bathroom) for 2 hours for 10 people. Lets say we sang a heck of a lot of songs LOL. And they even extended it for an hours so we actually ended up signing for three hours.....

Sunday was the 1st Redbull Flugtag in Australia. Got there early and found a decent spot to setup with my camera, and then the crowds rolled in, the ice-cream guy set up show in the worst place, and then the boguns came with their beer, dreadlocks, noise, more alcohol and view blocking behaviour. Pretty much ruined it for quite a lot of people sitting in my area, and well after seeing a few of the jumps, I left along with the rest of the guys that came along too. Pity. I hate boguns.

And well, that is the weekend. Monday training tomorrow LOL.

Oh, and Roshan will begin his PhD on Tuesday. Which means tomorrow I get the joy of officially clearing out of my desk space. Hmm, where shall I go..... And still nothing on the job front sadly. Oh well.

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