Monday, 7 April 2008

I cleaned out my desk today.
I had already cleaned my desk, but today, I took the remainder of the things that were still around, so my teapot, cup, pens, and other miscellaneous objects that I still had at the desk. Tomorrow, Roshan will take over. It has been a long time actually at that desk, the only other places where I have resided so are at home since I have never been in one fixed location for three and a half years before. Someone asked me if I felt anything about leaving the desk space, but I didn't. I mean, it's not exactly home, so sadness didn't really come to mind at all.

My supervisor offered to extend my contract again, so it will help pay the bills, so I guess I'll continue doing the crystallisation work.

Training today was alright. My bioshinai is pretty much dead, even though I had cleaned it out pretty well the other day, it started to go again on the other slats. I used the Onlinekendo deluxe one and it's holding out ok, but there are some serious denting from hitting the mengane and other shinais.... I don't know how long it will last since I am doing three training sessions a week presently. I also don't really have the resources to splurge on more new shinai yet. I did mainly kihon men cuts except for one set of short cuts and hiki men waza before jigeiko. I really tested my seme today against Derek, and it held out to be pretty good I thought.

I played against someone today, and I would kind of label them the 'aggressive' type of player. Very strong, hits hard and pushes a lot. I have said before and I'll say again that I don't really like playing the aggressive players. In this case, they were kind of machine-gun kendo'ing me today, and I blocked to some extent but in one instance, they smashed their shinai into my fingers three times in a row in about a second, and even though I let go with my right hand and continued to block using my left holding the shinai only, they proceeded to strike another two times onto the shinai handle before they stopped. I consider that to be poor form. No tenuchi, no kiai, no fumikomi, basically not even a cut they were using to score. Further more, they also were pushing, pretty much to 'shoving' in my opinion. I spoke to them afterwards to explain what I thought, and they said the cuts were part of their tactics to open up the opponent for an opportunity to score a good cut. Yeah, it's a valid reason, valid method, but I personally feel that they should also apply proper cutting, not hitting, even if they are doing it, bashing your opponents hand half to pulp so they open up for you to cut isn't kendo to me, that is brute force. If you wanted them to throw their shinai around also by machine-gun-kendo, feints also work brilliantly, just see how much I open up when Peter feints and machine-guns me.... and he doesn't hit hard either, since his speed is incredible. As for the pushing/shoving, I also explained my thoughts on it, and the fact that is frowned up greatly, as seen at the 33rd Australian Kendo Championships, since on the second day, they shimpans specifically mentioned that they would be looking for and penalising rough play/shoving that they had been witnessing on the first day. Once again, a difference of opinion. Not much you can do about it, but to me, it just isn't Kendo. He did apologise after he got changed, but I don't know if it would make any difference if he decides to continue with his style of playing. I do know that my own style is very slow, very quiet and uber defensive, which is actually also not exactly Kendo since the whole point is to kill your opponent, but I feel more at peace to take measured attacks than to just be beating all out. I don't know. We will all take different paths, different styles, use different waza and develop our own 'special' signature moves eventually, and I guess one day will show us who becomes the more consistent and better kendoka.

I spoke to Security Services regarding the break-in at the club locker and a chap came by to take a report. He asked a few questions, then headed over to take a look himself. I was asked to call the police assistance line, but they said if I was to make an official report, then the police would have to come and fingerprint because it was a break-in..... so I said um, I'll get back to them. LOL. I'm not sure that it is worth their while or time to come since nothing was taken really, and well, nothing left to print since we'd been all over it anyway and I can't even remember which bows had been taken out... oh well.

Hmm, scheduled for rain all week.....

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