Friday, 18 April 2008

Numb (2007)
Matthew Perry.

It's about a guy, Hudson, who has a mental illness condition of disassociation, where nothing seems real to him. He believes it was because he took twelve puffs of pot in twelve minutes, but the doctors believe he probably had a predisposition to it and that was just triggered by the smoking.
It's not a fast moving film, doesn't have clever lines or great cinematography but it does well to show the problems with having a mental illness. Those such as bouncing between medical professionals, clinical trials, tests, drugs and how they affect the relationships you have with people. I would say it was a powerful performance, but it was a well done one.
Not too deep either though so it is still watchable without being drilled into your head.

I got a call from Hays Recruitment, and had what I'd call a screener interview over the phone that lasted about six minutes or so. I was asked what I thought was involved in this role, and of course having done my research like the good applicant (I mean, who goes into applying for jobs if you have no idea what you're going to end up doing??... not me at least) I answered it fairly well I thought. I was asked if I had sales experience, and I told them that my only experiences were with Hoyts in the Candybar, but it wasn't on my resume since it wasn't a major sales position, and that my work involving research is all about sales. You have to pitch your research and work to your peers, make them understand it, make them accept it otherwise you never get published and no-one will believe in your work to be valid or true. Great sales pitches is why a lot of really crap research is published, because it sounds like they have good content, but in reality, it's terrible content. Of course, Brand Name comes into it too, because someone who has reputation for previously groundbreaking work will tend to be able to push their work easier because people think it's of the same value/strength as previous work, but that is not always true.

In any case, I have an interview in person next Tuesday, 2pm in the city. Lets see where it goes.
Additionally, lets see if they have google searched me and come across this blog, since depending on their ISP, if it's listed by Hays or something similar it'll come up on Google Analytics, like Bain & Co Consulting, Barclays International, and some other interesting visitors....

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