Sunday, 29 June 2008

Wipeout + Beauty Pop

Well, I watched the first episode of a new tv show on the American abc channel called "Wipeout". It seems to be a Takeshi's Castle ripoff, done by Americans for Americans. For those who are not familiar with this terminology of Takeshi's Castle, it could easily be said that it was the grandaddy of all physical gameshows. It involved a series of physical tasks which were truely painstaking in challenge and humiliation factor, with audiences cringing in pain and enjoying laughter at the silliness of it all. Well, Wipeout is no exception. Each episode has 24 contestants with the winner taking home $50k USD. They start with 24, then 12, then 6, then 4 finalists. Not sure why it isn't 3 finalists.... ~shrug~. Anyway, it is funny to watch because it's slapstick physical humor in the reality tv sense, but the commentary by the two John's is terrible.... utterly terrible.... Wonder if my brother will collect more of it to cringe at LOL.

I started reading another manga, through One Manga online. This one is called Beauty Pop by Arai Kiyoko. I don't actually really know why I chose this one since it's not complete yet, only 38 chapters so far.... I started reading it today, and well, *ahem* I'm at chapter 29 already LOL. It's shoujou, and it is all about 'beauty' being comprised by hair, makeup, manicure, fragrance and ... can't remember what the fifth thing is. It is surprisingly addictively good. Thus why I'm 29 chapters into it....

It focusses upon a group of highschool (yeah, almost all manga has a highschool connection somewhere right? LOL) boys and girls who form a group called S.P. (Scissors Project) with the aim to be the best in Japan, if not the world. Each member of S.P. has a background in some way in a specialist field, with Narumi the son of a famous salon owner, Kiri is the daughter Narumi's father's rival and of another salon, Kazuhito is the son of a cosmetics company owner, Kei is a manicurist, Seki is 'god hand' of massage, Iori is a perfumist and so on. There is some kind of relationship/romance thrown in at the moment but not really sure how it will develop because it is really light touches, but the underlying theme to this is that with a touch of 'magic' any girl can become beautiful. I have enjoyed it so far, see how it turns out.

Here is the front cover, also from One Manga:

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