Monday, 7 July 2008

The Band's Visit (Bikur Ha-Tizmoret)

I heard about this movie from a friend over dinner about a fortnight ago, something that they wanted to see with their mother because of their ethnic descent. I actually forgot about it until I saw a mini-feed on the online newspaper reviewing it, so I thought I'd watch it.

Well, I had no idea what to expect from it, and I guess that was a good thing. The movie revolves around a very small group of men who due to poor communications end up in Bet Hatikva instead of Petah Tikva. They are aa Egyptian Police Ceremonial Orchestra from Alexandria who were supposed to be performing at the opening of an Arab cultural centre but being in the wrong town, await out the day and evening since the bus services only run once a day.

Quite frankly from a objective point of view, nothing happens in this movie LOL. But, in reality, it is a 'slice of life' type of comedy where these out-of-town'ers are exposed to the mundane grey that is the people who live in Bet Hatikva. I'm not really sure what else to describe in this movie. I enjoyed it though, it was kind of slow moving but for a slice of life.... life is like that sometimes. The characters are quite random in their personalities, and the dialogue is realistically awkward in many places. Interestingly, they use English, Arabic and Hebrew through the movie and it sort of shows more depth than just using one 'common' language I think. It has won 32 awards and 8 nominations according to IMDB.

If you have the time, don't mind a little slowness, and light hearted humor in a non-normal humoristic way (ie, it won't necessarily make you laugh, but perhaps draw a small smile), then this one is one you might watch. It got a 7.8 on IMDB, 7.5/10 for me (since I work in .5's).

Oh, and the dedication at the end I found interesting, as it was for their grandmother Shoshana, which is the Hebrew name of my friend, which apparently means "Rose". It is also quite often mis-pronounced by people as Shoshanna, but the 'na' sound at the end is quick, since it is 'na' not 'nna'. ^^ So if you come across someone with that name, pronounce it right! LOL

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