Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Completion of Shin Angyo Onshi + MX0

Two manga reviews today, one called MX0 (it's a zero, not 'o') and one calle Shin Angyo Onshi.

I actually started Shin Angyo Onshi first but finished MX0 first.

MX0 is a series with the particular concept of 'magic' in the real world, however magic is limited to particular zones where 'magic waves' exist. In one particular spot, a school is built and students are educated in the use and control of magic powers and spells. This is the scene for the story. The main character of the manga is actually without the ability to use magic, but he accidentally manages to get into the school and there his troubles begin. A typical highschool romance manga, but with magic thrown in. Magic in this is based of 'plates', where the particular plate you have depends on your abilities. Through complications, he ends up with the highest possible plate (a fake) but no ability to use magic, so everyone thinks he is amazing at magic when he in reality is completely useless. Of course he has to fall in love with someone, and of course there has to be obsticles in the way, but that is the way these manga series go.

It's quite funny, and clever how he manages to get around the issues of needing to look like he has magic when he doesn't. The art is reasonable and cute. The ending was a bit sudden, I was slightly dissapointed because there was a lot of space and scope for much more story in there. Perhaps they ran out of budget or something but, without trying to spoil the story for you, he still had nine more tests to go...... It doesn't really take away from the series, but just a downer, thats all. A short one, easy to read, brings a smile to your face.

The other one, Shin Angyo Onshi, is a 'epic' manga, and it is a Korean one with some cultural history involved. It is rather hard to describe, but, there is a lot of blood, guts, deaths, dismemberment and magic. The story is about honour, gloory, right/wrong, evil/good and clashes of ideals. There is slight connection to the story of Chun-hyang and MongRyong (Chunhyangga in wiki, the same story that Delightful Girl Chun-Hyang is based on). The cast is medium sized, and there is present and past story history and flashbacks involved. The art is I guess bisi style, skinny flowing characters, long hair, that type of thing. The ending.... good, but sad, so if you don't like those endings, don't get too attached. It's a medium length series. If you like something slightly historical, bit of blood guts and gore, some love thrown in, then this is your type of thing.

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