Thursday, 10 July 2008

Inability to talk?

How many people don't know how or what to talk about?
It's fairly common for me really to be just sitting around on msn, but with absolutely nothing to talk about to people who are either already talking to me, or people who are online, thus, I don't talk to them.... If you get what I mean.

Or if you feel like talking to someone, but at the same time you don't because you know you have absolutely nothing to talk about because either you've already talked about everything before, or because you are pretty boring since you haven't done anything new, you haven't read anything, seen anything, been anywhere and nothing in your life has changed to even talk about.

How does that sound? Pretty bad huh.... I guess this is what is meant by spark LOL.

Of course the obvious answer to that is to go out and do stuff, read stuff, see stuff, live a more exciting life. But what happens if you have no motivation for it because you don't have funds to go travelling, especially on a expensive public transport system, or the fact that petrol prices are steadily increasing in leaps and bounds thanks to those who govern prices in the far countries in political and warfare turmoil?

I guess I'm fairly screwed LOL. Oh for a job to come my way and then at least something would have happened in my life. Of course, that wouldn't necessarily change anything in terms of people wanting to talk to me.... ^^ Just always looking at names on msn and thinking about that I have nothing to say, but yet feel like talking.... is that a problem?

And you're all a bunch of bums for not commenting or notice boarding from my previous post about blog materials haha.


Hannah said...

You have to decide for yourself what you want to talk about. That's the freedom of being a blogger. Write for yourself. Though I'm kind of curious about what's going on with kendo.

Don said...

Well, this particular instance was more about 'talking' vs blogging ^^ Like in person or on msn type of talking.

As for what's going on with Kendo, just hasn't been much training, though I am going to write about todays training in a little bit after I eat.