Monday, 28 July 2008

Private Lesson

Today's Kendo training was a bit of a treat for me. We had quite a lot of people but only four of us were bogu players. Two of them took the beginners, since we had the old beginners who are now the advanced beginners, and new beginners. This left myself, and one of the experienced players. Private lesson~ ^^v

We started with the usual, kirikaeshi, kihon men, kihon kote, kihon do, and then small men, small kote, small do, small kote men, and then hiki waza. We spent a lot of time on hiki waza... I won't really go into too much detail I guess since there isn't much detail, and it's hard to kind of describe in text. I might try to sketch it later and put it onto the other blog. But, basically, I need to use much more simpler forms of my cuts than what I do. He told me that my cuts are good, but I don't need to use such complex ways of going about it. I need to just slow down, don't get so 'excited' when I am in jigeiko or shiai, and relax. It was really good though since I got to do a lot of practice, even if I still couldn't get it right. If I had a practice dummy then at least with a session like this, I have a much better idea of how/what to practice.

We also did some work in terms of how my zanshin needs to be improved, the way the body turns, the use of fumikomi. It was a really good lesson for me, though so much to try to remember and work on. I am sure that I will forget most of it when I am training because I have so much to work on, but if I can do just one of the things, it will be good. My foot busted though with a blood blister rupturing through my callus so I had some blood onto my socks.... Now I'm also quite tired. My left hand was really tired though from trying to grip it more firmly, especially on hiki do cuts, which made a difference I noticed on my accuracy, I only missed once (Sorry~~ mianhe~~) so what I was told about having a firm left grip for do cuts really really worked.

Training in the cold really sucks though, I could barely feel my feet and it was really hard to move too..... ~sigh~ Hope winter turns around soon....

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