Tuesday 12 August 2008


I called Lang Technologies today to see if I could talk with them about employment stuff since I have been waiting for their return from Japan. I didn't call them yesterday as they probably would have been busy with stuff in regards from their trip as they came back during the weekend. I tried calling the numbers I had to no avail getting the messagebank system each time. I had the card for their new CEO which had an alternative phone number for his desk and called that instead. Another person picked it up and told me that they weren't at their desk but could take a message for me instead. I left my name and mobile number with her even though they already had my contacts for a while now, no harm really though.

A few hours later, I got a call back from them on the phone. After a brief conversation, the gist of it was that their trip to Japan went well, but not as well as they had hoped. Not entirely sure what that means, but they said that they would like to talk to me again and hopefully put something together. They would call me tomorrow morning to arrange a time for me to come in and have a chat again with them.

Sounds semi-promising, but I'm not getting my hopes up too high these days haha.
But, I did get a slight trim and thinning of my abundant hair (hmm, at least for now, when I get older..who knows) to spruce up if I need to head into town tomorrow to see them.

I still have no idea what to really expect since I have been told that I am potentially worth the 75k-100k range depending on what and where I am, while a friend of mine scoffs at that and thinks that I should be getting significantly less (they are a PhD hopeful too, thesis writing at the moment) and I should have taken the 45k grad program jobs out there instead of being picky LOL. A friend of mine who is a PhD said she started on 66k with Sydney Water nearly 3 years ago but her salary has gone up a bit since then.... Taking a look at relative scales, Post-Doc positions are around the 68-75k mark, so it would not be unreasonable to expect that in reality, while industrial positions in private companies I have seen easily 80-85-90k USD for similar level positions in the US..... But then it is all about the experience more than the qualifications somtimes ~sigh~. I guess it will be made a little more clear when I get to talk to them in detail.

Gambatte yo~!

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