Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Magpie Defence Study

I grew up in Brisbane many years ago, and the prevalence of magpie attacks was quite high.  Magpies ( are a quite dangerous element of the Aussie landscape during their breeding and young seasons since they are very aggressive in defending their territory.  In fact, it is not at all unusual to see children running through magpie zones with ice-cream buckets on their heads for protection, and being attacked.  It is in fact quite a statistical probability that you will get attacked by one if you enter its zone.

So, how do you ward them off?  Well, there is the adages of having eyes, bright coloured things, scary looking things on your head, to fend them off.  Do they work?  Hard to say, at least until some portion now.

A group of people, in Canberra by the looks of it, did some testing using a helmet and bicycle, through a magpie's territory, and recorded their results.  The youtube video shows the results with some interesting effects.

The moral of the story is... Don't wear a helmet???  Be old or have afro's.... LOL.... More conclusive work needs to be done I suspect.

Thanks to Hel for sticking up the links on Twitter.

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