Sunday, 15 November 2009

The Fun Theory

I came across this site, and concept today via my other 1/3rd.  It was a link to a youtube clip about piano stairs.  You can see it via their website (  I then also watched the other two clips on the worlds deepest rubbish bin, and the bottle arcade.

I think it's fantastic.  Simple concepts, but from singular instance testing, the novelty factor of a fun activity certainly draws more attention and use/practice of that specific activity than regular.  My only complaint about this is that their testing does not seem to be extremely thorough, only in short "1 day" periods.  Had they done this more say for a week or longer, it would be seen if the novelty effect wears off, and if so, does it still maintain some form of novelty that the increased rates of activity remain?

Nevertheless, I applaud those who put in the effort for this work.

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