So, I bought a new toothbrush yesterday. Kind of past the three month recommended period, but eh.
This time, I got an Oral-B Pro Health medium toothbrush. Immediately from opening out of the packet, you can see and feel some solid differences. The contour and grip of the toothrbush is very hard. What I mean is, the material is harder/solid/stiffer than the colgate toothbrushes. The next difference is that the brush handle is very straight, the actual contours are formed by the grip, not the main "backbone" of the brush. Thirdly, the brush head is much larger than the colgate ones that I had before, much fatter in width. Seems much fatter in height.
The brush head features white firm plastic rods on both sides while there is a .\/\/\/\ inter-crossed bristle formation in the middle. The tip has a fairly standard longer bristle for the slightly deeper penetration.
In first brush impression, their "medium" hardness is harder than the colgates. I feel that I have to press much harder to get the same surface contact with the bristles. The other thing of note for me was that, while I used the same amount of toothpaste on the brush, there was no-where near the same amount of lather being produced by the brush during the brushing period. This seems to indicate to me that the bristles really aren't working as hard (and therefore aerating the toothpaste) as the other ones before.
It is still early days yet. Oh, on the back is a tongue scrubber, but it's actually made from hard plastic like the grip is, and doesn't feel very comfortable on the tongue at all....
Your toothbrush reviews always make me laugh.
Why is that?
Somehow I think not many people give so much thought to their toothbrush. I'm not saying that they are not informative; just affords me with a little entertainment, by the by.
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