Wednesday 19 May 2004

My mood today hasn't been too good due to three (3) things.

Firstly, I broke my favourite drink bottle.
It was a green glass bottle with a rubber snap-down lid, which is actually a Grosh (spelling?)beer bottle that I got at a party (empty of course!). I had it in my bag when it fell off the railing I had it on and smashed. Now I probably have heaps of glass fragments still inside my bag although I emptied it out, and I cut my pinky too.

Secondly, Jenny has been "dumped" by her Boyfriend Stew because his father is a fricken racist SOB and told him to dump her.

Oooohhhhhh GRRRRRRRRR, I so hate people when they have reasons like that......

Sure, my parents asked my brother to dump his girlfriend because she had high cheekbones.

Sounds similar, but this is superstition, as in Asian cultures, a woman with high cheekbones brings bad luck to the husband of the family, with many well documented cases of deaths and accidents occuring to heaps of men who have married high cheekbone women. There is a very rich successful woman in Taiwan who is single, and even her father has promised millions in a dowry for her to be wed, but no man dares because she has ultra sharp and high cheekbones....

Stews father told him to dump her, and cease all communications with the "asian" girl.....

*imaginary throttling of Mr Wilcox*
Incidentally, I wish I kept the address of Stews house from the forms..... pay him a informal visit with the "boys", otherwise know as the "triad". The "triad" as it is, is three of us, all asian, all nerdy, all glasses wearing boys. Nothing sinister, or gang like at all, but just a semi ominous name attachment from our younger days of uni.

And Lastly, and thirdly I guess I should say....

My Mini-Teaching task.

I am beginning to wonder if I have chosen the right path to take with teaching. I certainly enjoy it, but I don't know if I am truely cut out for it.

Today, I did my teaching task. I knew it wasn't going to go too well, but I really crashed and burned like nothing at all.
I managed to scrape a "competent" in my peer marker (where as I gave him "quite good", just because he was!)

To make things worse, Paul, who has a PhD in Physics, luckily got a subject he knew about, friction, where as me, being an anatomist and microscopist, got Seasons of Earth (Astronomy essentially)...... ripped off.

However, I was told that I need to "engage" the students more, and bring my personality out there, to captivate them so their attention is on me and learning, not goofin off or something.....

~sigh~ But, at least the one thing good going for me is that Tony (the person in charge of the course) said that I'm "laid back" and it was a good thing, as it helps the students feel more relaxed and comfortable, but I have to make sure I get their attention.

Hmm, laid back huh.

Oh well. The good thing that came from this is that it is over, and I can concentrate on other things without worrying about it at all. =)

Man it's cold. As my other blog on the sidebar indicates, I'm logging the temperatures of the room as we go..... interesting to see what it drops down to in winter and how it might climb in summer.

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