Wednesday 26 May 2004

Tuesday 25th May.

The weather.
It was spitting in the morning, and so I took my bow in by car anyway. I hoped that it might have cleared up, but it wasn't the case to be.

It rained.
So, no shooting.

In the morning, we had a lesson focus session on "Schooling the Rustbelt Kids". It was about the changes of education around the communities that didn't want education for their kids. Not so interesting stuff, but hey, it's more rubbish we have to wade through.

In the seminar, we talked about the case studies, and that was about it really.

Further, in the health and sport lecture, it was soccer again.
Sheesh, all he ever does is soccer, so no prizes for guessing what his favourite sport must be....

Now, the lecture for science core in the afternoon was actually quite decent.

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