Sunday 18 July 2004

Ah, the wonderful rest day after another very early night of chick flicks.
Chick flick night mark 3.  The last one to be held for a while too since Jules will be starting his internship at The Kings School on Monday.... for 10 weeks being a master at one of the old prestigeous private schools in Sydney.
Well, last night was a fun and interesting night indeed.
We started with Kirsten and myself arriving first, as usual, and within minutes, Cathy arrived also.  We sat around talking a little about King Arthur, which Jules, Cathy and the boys saw on Friday night.  Then we wondered if Feng was coming as he was getting kind of late, and so Jules pulled out the phone and we called him.
But as we called, we heard a mobile ring, just outside the door, and a voice say "Hello?" in which we cracked up as Jule's mother opened the door and it was Feng on the mobile....
We then watched some clips from a Brittish TV show Top Gear, which is a car show where they do some crazy stuff to cars, but it's horrendiously funny and extremely warped, like "How to destroy a Porshe".....
Then came our continental dinner.
Originally, we had decided on Pizza for dinner, in similar to last week, and so we drove down to Epping and got some pizza, and chose our movies while we waited for the pizzas to be cooked.  But, when we went and picked them up, we realised that we purchased regular (i.e, SMALL!!!) pizzas..... and well, since there was five of us, 3 small pizzas and two garlic breads weren't really going to be enough.  And with a little debate, we decided to pick up some Sushi from a shop down the road.... Pizza and sushi.  Might sound weird, but it went down quite well actually.  Yum.
Then the flicks.  The three on was Ocean's Eleven, Minding Martha, and Something's gotta give.
Ocean's Eleven we had all seen, but it was fun watching it again, so we didn't really mind that as we were also eating at the same time.
We then settled down to watch Minding Martha, and discovered that it was German with english subtitles..... but it wasn't too bad, a little sad in quite a lot of it, but it was still a nice romantic comedy in some parts, with the main character a neurotic chef who had perfected her cooking, but her relational life was a mess when she is left with her sister's daughter after a fatal accident.  Then things go way pear shaped with a new italian eccentric chef called Mario that works at her kitchen to cover for her since she was all distressed from the grief of the accident.
It's by the same dude that made Chocolat, and that was the only reason why Cathy chose it, but in the end, it wasn't a bad movie at all.
Something's gotta give.....
Oh dear.
There was so much that was just wrong with that film.
Such as Diane Keaton naked.
And a multi-heart attack/stress/anxiety attacked Jack Nicholson.
And a rather nice looking Keanu Reeves hitting on someone old enough to be his mother, while Erica's daughter hits on a 63 year old man......
I guess in the end, it wasn't too bad, with plenty of laughs in it also, and a nice clear message that you should really live life, as it is more worth living regardless of the pain and suffering of being hurt from love, than living without the love and the wonder that it gives you.
Other things that happened during the week.
Rob bought a compound and shot in the state ranking round, and after 1 week of practice only, he shot a 1165.
I'm very bothered by that as I have been shooting compound for a year and my highest is 1186.....
But I have decided to go back to recurve shooting, and I am currently very sore from it.
I'm using the club's competition grade recurve that no-one is using, and it has 38lb limbs.  I figured I'd use that to build up my strength before I bought my own kit after my tax return comes in.  And then we discover that using a bow scale, and me drawing the arrow through the clicker I'm actually pulling 41.5lb........ my left deltoid is not happy.
The reason is that every inch you pull past the standard 28 inches set for measuring draw length, you add approximately 2lb.  It's just a characteristic of the limbs.  Anyway, I am using these borrowed ACE arrows from Rob, and he tells me after I've been shooting with them all day, that they are 29 inch arrows.... and my compound arrows are only 28 inches.... So I've been drawing at least a extra inch.  But since we measured 41.5lb, it means I'm actually pulling about 29.5 inches.....
But, besides that, we had a nice tea party at Kirsten's place on Thursday.  Scones, Honey Roll, Cake, Lemon Tarts, and lots of tea.  It was nice with Cathy and Feng there also (and no, they aren't going out....) and we chatted about lots of things and had a great day.
I can't wait for my tax return.
I'm planning to spend around $1300 or so on my recurve kit.  I could spend more...... but it's probably better to limit myself.
I'd like to get a new riser and limbs, but if I do, then I won't really have any money for anything else....
I'd like to get the PSE X-Factor riser, which is ~$705, and I'm not sure about the limbs.  For decent competition carbon limbs, I'd be looking at ~$600, which means my entire budget is gone and I have nothing else to get the arrows, stabilizer, sights, button, rest, case etc with....
Rob suggested that I buy a second hand riser and perhaps second had stabilizers to cut down on cost.  It does make sense, but no-one has a second hand PSE X-Factor in blue for sale as far as I know.......  Oh well, I guess I'll have to see when I get the money, whenever that might be.

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