Wednesday 18 August 2004

Boy am I tired today.

I woke up early to get to Homebush to go out to Penrith to help out with the strammit for the state indoor this weekend that we are hosting.
That is a lot of strammit. Weighs a bloody ton....
We took 32 boards with us, and each board is 3x1.2mx5cm
Very frigging heavy to move around, and my back is going to kill me I think.

Not to mention I sliced my finger this morning on a Cartel Activa sight.... I'm very accident prone right now I think....

Well, I picked up my Aerotec today, and also purchased a set of Hoyt Kinetic limbs.... it was a little pricey, but all up the bow and limbs cost me $1300. Perhaps about $150 more expensive than I could have gotten elsewhere, but I figure that I should give them my business since they are so good to our club, and over the years too. Besides, it is also very good to keep up purchase relations for the club by doing things like that. At least I'll have good tech support with it.

Now to wait for the rest of my arrow stuff from Melbourne, and then a sight and sight pin.
But can I really justify spending another $600?.... Perhaps....... But I so want to!
At least if I get them, then once again, like my compound kit, I won't ever have to get anything else except arrows....

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