Sunday 15 August 2004

It's been just over a week since I have blogged.
~everyone claps~.......

I have been dying....
On Tuesday, I think I caught a bad cold virus thingy off Adrian, and since then I have had constant nosebleeds (as I oft do when I'm sick or my body is stressed by weather etc) my muscles ache like mad, can't sleep, sneezing and so forth.
Not particularly pleasant.

But, besides that, my shooting was alright. Dan got me to try out the expansion method to help my follow through.
There has been some more debate about the finger usage on a release, because since I have started the roll method, my form has gone better than before, but other people including the co-ordinator for the high performance seminars, say that this method is bad......
Such confusion.

Friday night was.... well.
Kirsten left around 3:30pm to go down the south coast for a summe camp leaders meeting and Johnny B was giving her a lift down there after work.
So Jimbo and I headed to play free pool down at the Brennan Room.
Guess what? No free pool. Due to more relocational shuffles and all that crap that they university always seems to be doing, we can't get access to the pool cues or balls to play.
In the end we had to go to Manning Bar and wait ages before paying to play pool on the pissy half size tables.....

We went to the pizza place in Glebe again because it was Alison's birthday.
I don't like that place.
I don't know what Alison likes about it, but I guess that is her personal preference. I dont' think she enjoys asian foods much.....
I didn't feel like Pizza and my sickly state didn't feel like pasta.... so I ordered a chicken burger instead. I haven't had a burger in ages, so I thought it would be something different.
It was a nice burger, but they overcooked the fillet and it was too hard. Made my jaws ache from chewing it. The dressing on the burger was actually really nice though.

After dinner we went to GNI and played Desert Combat, so that was pretty good. I was fairly rusty having not been to GNI for ages, but it turned out well.
Afterwards we went home and I took Cathy home.

Got home, and there was a letter waiting for me.
My tax return is back!!!!
Money, and now I can afford to buy the rest of my recurve kit.

Yum Cha, and seeing the peanut gallery....
Well, it wasn't so bad, except the table was so big that all the food dissapeared down the other end, and I still ended up paying for food that I didn't even touch let alone eat....
It was a bit pricey and that is why I'm not really a yum cha person.....
Afterwards I went and got a present for Kirsten from the markets.
It's one of those pendants that you get something written on a grain of rice.
So I got her name written on it, and it looks pretty cute =)

And then I went home.

I got a copy of Doom 3 from Guy on friday, so I started playing that and well, it's very dark.
Bloody scarey too, friggen things coming out of the darkness from nowhere..... and also the fact that unlike Half Life where you can use a flaslight and shoot at the same time, you can either hold the torch, or a gun........
Makes it very challenging to stay alive, so I have been using the "save often" tactic.... kill, save, move, save, kill, save.....

Well, I have applied for 4 jobs this week, and no response from any of them...

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