Thursday 5 August 2004

Re: Coaching at our club. =)

Yes, I am aware of the availability to get a level 1 coaching accreditation, and then sports specific course.
Yes, our sports union will help subsidise a pitiful amount of money for it, less than 50% I think.
I would like to get accreditation, however if I do, I would suspect that I would spend even less time than I already do shooting, which of course is always a dilemma for those who try and coach and shoot at the same time.

We tried to get Margret Nelson to come along, we gave her all the forms for the coaching contract. She has never come. She tried once, but was sent to the wrong oval by the people at the sports centre where we used to shoot.
And now because she works at Abbey Archery during the week, it also places time restraints on her I think.

And as for paying for a coach... we have some money budgeted, but it would only last for 9 sessions. And we do have people who are willing to help pay, but for $50/hour, that is rather steep. Especially if their time is split between so many people that we have shooting...
At $150/training session (3 hour session)..... and the thing is if we only ask for one hour, those people who have classes during that 1 hour will miss out, and it would be very unfair to them.

It is a rather long term problem for our club, and we are still attempting to find a solution to it. Perhaps with better finance it may be resolved.

The other issue for finding an external coach is that we shoot during normal work hours, and many coaches are unavailable during these hours. Sure, there are others around, but then it once again falls back upon the money problem.

It's good that Rob and Dan and Alex, who are really into getting coaching get their help that they need outside, as do I, when I visit Micheal and Jim at Homebush for their help, but it's not a major deal as the large majority of our members (like UNSW perhaps?) don't really do much shooting outside the club events.

But of course, we are attempting to change all of that =).

We do get by of course, as everything that our experienced archers have learnt is passed down.
Just on Tuesday, Dan and Rob taught me about the 'roll on' method that they learnt at the high performance elite thingy seminar on the weekend. And Rob helps me heaps with my form, even though he has only shot for 7 months compared to my 5 years.....

I have confidence that our system will continue to work, and will only get better once we do get hold of some coaching somehow.

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