Saturday 28 August 2004

I hate blogger.

I have just written a very long post and I went to copy into notepad incase it did not post properly, as blogger is sometimes wonton to do....

But it just deleted the whole lot without copying.

STUPID BLOGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wontons.... yum.

Re deleted post.
NSW Indoor - Good event, very tiring event, profit ~$1500 for the club
Job Interviews - Shortlisted for 1, 3 people on list, no response yet regarding results. Other job was "filled internally" and "very dissapointing" as they wanted to recommend other people including myself for the position....
NSW AGM - Political shitfight. People who got into power = Good! People who tried to get in and failed because they are bad people = Good!!! Longest meeting ever. 7pm start, 11:45pm finish.......



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