Wednesday 27 October 2004

"My name is Don"
~chorus~ "Hi Don"
"It's been 11 days since my last blog"

It's almost like a AA for bloggers....

Well, the last 11 days.
Let's see.

Nothing terribly exciting as usual as things start to settle into a routine of sorts.

Saturday was pretty good though, as I went over to Syro's place and we played network games, mainly Far Cry multiplayer and Dawn of War (Warhammer 40k in Warhammer 3 style).
A pretty good day actually. Ken was nice enough to borrow a 17inch LCD from work as a evaulation unit, and I'm planning to buy a dead pixel moniter through him from work.
It'll free up some space on my desk. Ah, space is such a premium in my room these days.

Progress is always good.
I completed my first draft literature review.
It came back covered in writing from my supervisor. It's good that I'm getting the feedback, but my problem is my sentences are just too convoluted.....
And I need to revise some concepts, but that was to be expected as I'm not and engineer in the first place so a lot of this is still kind of new, though I'm fast enough to pick up these things with the basics at least.

This week has been pretty good in some ways, as I'll be paid either tonight or tomorrow night.
And I've also done some work in designing a massive dessicator as well as the operating manual for our Buchi 290 Mini spray drying machine.
Not too bad at all.
There is a safety induction to attend tomorrow, and once that is out of the way, yay, Experiments here I come!!!!!!!!!

On the archery front, it's been good and bad.
Yesterday I did some of the best shooting I have done for a while.
At 90m (max distance I shoot for competition), I had a brilliant round.
10, 10, 10, 9, .... 2, 1. But, it was still fantastic work.
The end of the day wasn't so well though, as my sight mounting block shook itself loose, so I'm not a happy camper right now, especially since there is a ranking round I'm attending on Sunday......
But, I'll fix it up temporarily with some teflon sealing tape and hope that will hold it. I still don't understand why it shook itself loose after all this time I've been shooting with it. It might be something to do with my changing release being a lot more cleaner and more energy into the flight of the arrow or something.

Death by Sushi!
On friday, we are planning to go to a japanese resteraunt in Epping and having sushi.
They offer a deluxe combo for 2, and we call it death by sushi, as it has sushi, sashimi, tempura, udon, miso soup and other snippets.
I've never had it, but I've heard the wonders of it, so I shall be having my first death experience. It's not bad too at $50 for 2 people, which comes to $25, far cheaper than some other things you could have too....

So, that is my week in a nutshell.

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