Wednesday 17 November 2004

Well, here is the not that much anticipated blog that look was waiting for.

My official enrolment offer for a PhD in Chemical Engineering has been confirmed.
I received a letter on monday stating that my canditure begins when I enrol semester 1 of 2005, and the earliest I can submit my thesis is semester 2 2007.

Now just to stew about the scholarship.....

This week past hasn't been overly exciting, as normal I guess.

Work - Played with some more microscopy and did some reports.
Had to relearn how to do error analysis and uncertanties.
Wrote some more reports.
Not really any experiments, but I managed to trip out the safety device on the oven and had to reboot the oven.
I was playing with my oven plastic melting experiment, and that seemed to be very successful, so I have to do some repeat trials.

Archery - Things are now on the move.
Getting my accomodation sorted for next years nationals in melbourne. Should be a good week I think if this years was anything to go by. It's a little bit pricey, but nothing much can be done about it since I don't really have any friends who live in the near vicinity of the competition venue, like James does for the Brisbane nationals.
At least my entries are being subsidised by the club so that helps some.
Besides, next year with my scholarship, it shouldn't be a problem at all to pay it off.

Gear wise, almost everything is ready. I just need some serving on the centre part of the string, and I can start to shoot with my lovely 70" FX limbs...
But I don't know if I should swap over with so little time between now and the club champs and the city of sydney...
I'll have to debate it some more I guess....

Social - Going good I guess.
Last week, I missed out on Adrian's birthday dinner cos Kirsten had an exam on Saturday morning, so we didn't join the others on Friday night for dinner.
They went to Thai down at Randwick, and this week, we are planning to go down to Randwick and have Mexican at a place called Aztecas.
We've been there before, but besides the very long wait for the meal, the food was actually very good.

Computing - I started to watch the tv show Top Gear.
It's a brittish show about cars, and it's done very well and quite funny in a lot of it.
If you can get hold of episodes of it then you should watch em.
There is another show, called 5th Gear, which was spawned off the Top Gear series when one of the presenters left the show due to some dispute.

You can find some episodes at this site via bittorrent

In other news, I managed to pick up a 19inch 12ms 500:1 lumince LCD through Ken, and have sold my 17inch to a friend.
The 19inch is incredible.... Just incredible.
It's also a defective moniter, but the problem is not a dead "off" (permanent black) pixel, but a colour distortion pixel. In dark background colours, it shows red, but in light colours, it's normal.... so that is pretty good as it's not detectable except with dark backgrounds around the pixel in question.

Kirsten - As much as she really deserves her own blog, she gets a mentionable section of having completing her exams this coming Friday.
Due to a miscalculation of credit points, she will be studying part time next year to finish off. But, out of 8 exams she has this semester, she has finished 7, and is confident on 6 of them. She's also very confident on the one this friday. So, hopefully it will go all well.

Xmas - Well, time to go shopping at Xmas!
With my next pay packet, I suspect I don't think I'll be saving much on it, with lots of things to get for lots of people.... in which, Luke, if you would like something (besides a card), please let me know and I'll find something nice and appropriate hehehehe =) I know it's not right to ask if someone wants something, but I'm kinda daft.
Hannah, I hope I can find that business card of yours with your address....

And finally, a joke I read off a forum, that I loved.

(To be done in an Irish accent)
An Irishman goes to the Doctor with a problem.
"Dactor, it's me ahrse, I'ld loik ya ta teyhk a look, if awoot".
So the doctor gets him to drop his pants and takes a look.
"Incredible" he says, "there's a $20 note lodged here."
The doctor eases the twenty our of the mans arse and then a $10 note appears.
"This is amazing!" exclaims the Doctor... "What do you want me to do?"
"Well fur gadness sake teyhk it out, man!" shrieks the Irishman.
The doctor pulls out the tenner, and another twenty appears, and so forth.
Finally, the last note comes out and no more appear.
"Ah Dactor, tank ya koindly, dat's mouch batter. How mouch is dare den?"
The Doctor counts the pile of notes and says "$1990 exactly!"

"Ah, dat'd be roit," says the Irishman,
"I knew I wosen't feelin' two grand"

~boom ching!~

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