Monday 29 November 2004

Well, once again, Survival At Sefton begins, but this time it is the Summer Edition!

To start things off, the current temperature ranges will be posted in my alternative blog, as to be found on the side bar.

For the weekly update. That is late.

The reason why it was late: Counter Strike Source & Need for Speed Underground 2

~deep seductive voice over~
Last week, on Don's Life:

Not much happened, with the advent of House Sitting, it was a ordinary week, with some extraordinary happenings.

Monday to thursday, nothing much really, especially since the fact there was no shooting due to the Australiasian Police Cricket Tournament.

Thursday night, Don partook in what is traditionally known as House Sitting, however, to Don, it has been redefined as Cat-Feeding.
The house located in Redfern, belonging to a member of Staff at the Electron Microscope Unit required a sitter to care for their household pet, the antisocial cat ~dramatic pause~ Jellica.
Her likes include: Food, Food, more Food and being left alone.
Her dislikes include: Not getting food when she wants food, being picked up, being kicked out of the house during the day, and being disturbed from what she is doing such as ripping up carpets or 4 wheel catting.

This business of Cat-Feeding was for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights/day, plus Sunday before he went home as the residents were returning on Sunday night.
In the several days, things were relatively relaxing, with the reading of 5 Calvin and Hobbes books, the consumption of yummy chinese bread, chicken rissotto, thai and terrible scones-gone-wrong-then-turned-into-attempted-damper-but-contained-too-much-salt-and-were-practically-inedible-without-excess-spread-flavouring-added. Entertainment also consisted of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, the last Burkes Backyard (of which a landstone 17 years running program being axed as the presenter, Don Burke, was deemed to be "too old" for modern demographic audiences, by Channel 9, although he still pulled in close to 2 million viewers each week for his program....).

This cat-feeding session was also helped along with the visitation of one of Australia's unknown and undiscovered (thankfully, for both persons involved) beauties. Christmas shopping was undertaken on the Friday afternoon with this beauty, also known as Kirsten. Things purchased were:

$100 ABC Store Voucher
$30 HMV Voucher
A Camping Waterproof Map Pack (for having maps out and open for easy access, within a clear plastic waterproof container that will survive the rigors of hikes and camping)
4 Maps of the region for the Budawang national park
An authentic WWII entrenching tool/shovel
An authentic WWII Russian Infantry Helmet.
A gift for Hannah, but can not be mentioned due to surprise factor being concealed.

On the way of shopping, lunch was partaken at a new resteraunt called Crispy Crepes.
The new style of crepe consumption in Asia is crispy, kind of cooked to a biscuit/waffle cone crispy consistancy, with sweet or savoury toppings being added to it whilst cooking.
The resteraunt also cooked traditional soft french style crepes also.
The interested part about lunch was the reunion of Don with his friend Alan, whom he had travelled to Taiwan with years ago, and had not seen since their Bachelor of Science graduation, 2 years ago. Alan had returned to Taiwan and worked in the IT industry for Siemens in their telecommunications department.
However, Alan's older brother decided to start up shop, and Alan came back to help out with it.
Further more, with more interest was Don meeting Mike, his brother's girlfriend's younger brother. Mike (Emily's brother) knew of Herbert (Mr Engaged to be in the nearish future) and had heard of Don, but had never met. But at the crepe place, they met.

~it's hard to write in this.... 3rd person?ish fashion...~

On the saturday, the goregous Kirsten also came for a visit, and together, the two of them planned Christmas Hampers for Julian's mother and Robin. The menu for the hampers were selected from a variety of cooking books and magazines, with this years hamper emphasis on cooked goods.

It was decided that the two hampers would contain:
A traditional Christmas Pot fruit cake (complete with its own terracotta pot)
Some Almond shortbread pears
A bottle of Apricot and Orange jam preserve
Some christmas nugart (spelling?)

In addition to this, some tea would need to be purchased to complete the hamper, along with a hamper basket and cellophane wrapping.

Now, the reason for the delay.
Don obtained a copy of the game CounterStrike:Source from his friend Feng (who incidentally returned to Malaysia on Friday for two weeks). The installation and commencement of play with this game, along with the continuation of Need for Speed Underground 2 did not leave suffice time for a update to be posted.

This week there will be some more practice with FX limbs for Don, so his strength can continue to build.
In answer to Luke's question regarding bow arms and pain.
The draw system of a bow is asymetrical. The bow arm (left arm in Don's case) is a fixed strut. During the shooting process, it must remain locked and straight, as a rigid beam to react against the bow. The draw arm (right arm) is the dynamic force press, that pulls the bow string and adds kinetic energy to the system. In order for the appropriate forces to travel in optimum paths and conditions, the strut arm must be as parallel to the arrow as possible. Due to this and human anatomy, the shoulder and back muscles on the bow arm are engaged to keep this form as best as possible. Due to the asymetric actions involved in shooting is why it is quite possible for one arm to hurt without the other.

Now for a preview of next update.
We will be hearing of the eagerly awaited Club Championships, with hot competition between Rob and Alex.
We will know the results of the repected City of Sydney Championships, with Rob, Alex and Don vying for placings in the open division whilst Kirsten attempts to take on the competition in the 2nd division.
We will also know of how the latest developments in Hibiscus spraying goes.

Stay Tuned!~

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