Wednesday 15 December 2004

My apologies for such a late posting on this blog.

I have been kind of busy and occupied with stuff so thus haven't really posted. Duh, kind of obvious that I haven't posted....

Well, the City of Sydney.
It was pretty good I guess. I shot well and although I came 5th out of 6 people in division 1, I was still happy as I broke my personal best by 3 points. Yay!
The day was very warm, and they had heaps of people compete, and our club had a great turnout with 7 people and we came 2nd overall. Really good effort.

The december ranking round was pretty good too.
I smacked my personal best by 83 points!
And I broke the 1000 point mark, with a 1004. Very very happy.

Let's see.

On friday, Kirsten and I had dinner with the others at a Japanese place called Tomodachi.
Terrible service, nice good.
A little pricey, but, probably not likely to get served food there again, but they do have a sushi train there, so it's an option.

On saturday, after the ranking round, Kirsten and I visited a newly opened shopping centre, Rhodes Waterfront, 5 min walk from Kirsten's place. We had foodcourt food as we were in a rush to catch a 6:45pm session of Oceans' 12.

Great movie. Absolutely well done, and if you haven't seen it, you should. =)

Then we went to Burwood for cheese cake and coffee.

This week at work, it's been alright, not much done.

Our desiccators arrived from Livingstone Scientific....
My goodness. They are cruddy made products from china, and packaged in cardboard that probably has given me anthrax.... Not to mention the glass was covered in dirt and grime. One thing I do know, is that where they manufacture must be somewhere where they also make straw, because in every box there was stray bits of straw, not as packaging, but just bits of straw....

We also had a trial with the Malvern dry particle disperser. Not bad, a funky machine, but considering it's price it's a rip off.....
It basically vibrates dry particles so they break up from their clumps into individual particles, and then blows them in a compressed air flow into the machine that measures their size with a laser beam. But at $20 000 for a new one, or $6 000 for a 2nd hand one... that is a massive rip off.....

Kirsten's mother is having a christmas party on friday, so I'll be going to that, but besides that, the week has been relatively quiet.

Besides having an ocean of water dropped on me when I was walking home from the station on monday afternoon.... which has given me a cold that I am staying away from work today with.
Fun fun....

And, I bought a copy of Half Life 2, which I think I may have mentioned earlier.
So still playing that.
And Ken got a copy of Lord of the Rings, Battle for Middle Earth, and that is looking like a huge game to play and finish.....

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