Thursday 10 August 2006

For the longest time, I've always said I don't like surprises. I wonder why.
I think it has something to do with the internal controlling mechanism I have upstairs. I have absolutely no problem with giving people surprises, and for most part, I think they are quite nice surprises (except when they tell you that they hate you, even for the briefest of moments ~cowers~), but I guess when I say I don't like surprises, people take that to heart and tend to not surprise me.

Perhaps it is that I feel.... wrenched. That I don't really have much to return on the spot for their generosity (assuming it is a pleasant surprise). Of course, I understand this viewpoint for the people I surprise also, but as if that will actually stop me giving them surprises? Ha, I don't think so, because I know after that initial feeling, they probably will just lose that part and melt into the surprise (to date, I believe that has been the case every time .....)

I can't say that I even used to get many surprises before I said I don't like surprises..... perhaps I am also a bit of a private person, thus, surprise birthday cakes (once so far in my life) is too much expression of my personal life when I wasn't ready for it, surprise visits are also..... interesting as they may interrupt something that I doing, planning to do, wanting to do... Surprise presents, well, I don't think many have really happened, though I guess if someone drops four coins into your palm without you expecting it, that is kind of a surprise present haha, especially if it is for the purposes of a drinking game that well, you don't even drink! Of course it is appreciated, and makes me genuinely happy that they even thought of me (and a postcard too), and yes, it does not take great effort to aquire a few coins..... but, well, besides a kind of lame thank-you, it kind of leaves you in a lurch at what to do.....

I'm rambling now, but hey! That's exactly what a blog is for.

So, for anyone who reads, NO SURPRISES PLEASE! =D

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