Thursday 10 August 2006

You know, banks and companies lose customer trust and belief when they use indian call centres....
I'm with the ANZ, Australian and New Zealand bank. So why do they use indian call centres?
I got a letter in the mail a while back, it's still in my bin since my bin gets emptied about once a month. It was an offer for a Visa credit card with the bank. Sorry, just not interested.

So, I come home, and I get a call at quarter to 6pm. What do you know? They are following up the letter, obviously because I had not filled in the form and mailed it back.

I love messing with call centre staff, especially if they are idiots and run off a silly script and have no brains to think for themselves. I don't abuse them since that is not fair, after all, it is their job so they don't deserve to be abused, but I have no problems playing with them.

Asked me if I got the letter, I asked which one, one about the visa card, oh yes, I did.
Asked me if I had a credit card already, oh yes, I do.
Asked me if I had an outstanding balance on my credit card, sorry, that is *none* of your business.
Asked if I would be interested in rolling over my debts to their mastercard. Waaaaait a moment. Mastercard? You just said Visa, the letter said Visa....
Clarify, yes it is a Visa card, but we can offer you to roll your debts onto the new account. But wait, you said Mastercard 30 seconds ago, is it a Visa, or is it a Mastercard.
...... It is a Visa card but we can also offer you a Mastercard if you want, we can offer you any kind of card. ~silence on my side for a few seconds~ So you are offering me by mail a Visa card, and then a Mastercard by phone..... Can you please explain that one?
Clarify, yes it is a Visa card.

To that, I guess he didn't really have the three brain cells required to play the game off script...

Sorry, I'm just not interested.
~Click~ ~dial tone~.

Ah, they just don't get it do they?.....

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