Tuesday 8 August 2006

Why do the good die young?

Although I did not know this person myself, I saw the impact of the death of a young person. It was very sad to hear of this death, and the fact that it was so unexpected as they died in their 'sleep' so they were told, and at the tender age of 18.

Having never experienced the loss of anyone I knew personally, I had no idea on what it would feel like, and just felt rather useless and helpless except to be a recepticle for what they wanted to talk about. In addition, as a double whammy, they had a breakdown of their relationship.....

What a tragic day to be having indeed, and little ole me not knowing where to turn and what to do except to just blabber..... ~sigh~

Of course, it it was anyone else, it could have been quite simple, but due to the previous situational issues , it was definitely a difficult one.

Life can be a peice of junk landing on a hard surface and going splat.....

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