Tuesday 15 August 2006

How can you trust someone who does not do things they say?
If someone says, "I'll be coming" and they dont, twice, well, and then also not offer any explanation for their absence,.... can they be relied upon and trusted?

What about if someone says "I'll go see the doctor today" but yet, refuse to wait to see one but rather make an appointment for two later?......

I really don't like it when people do that.

But then, perhaps I am too controlling of others if I feel that way, and wish they would actually do what they say. I say I am going to do something, then I try to in my ability, and if I don't, I at least give some reason for it.....

And hail the size of kumquats FRICKEN HURT when you are getting showered in them..... I don't mind getting soaked, but I do mind if it is from hail. I also don't mind having my pants wet from the rain, but I do mind if it is so much that even my underwear is soaked.... not the most pleasant experience to drive home in completely wet clothing. My jacket weighed about 2kg more and I could physically wring water from it with *ONE* hand....
Whoever at the beauru of meteorology that said "some showers today" should get upside the head at least once....

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