Wednesday 16 August 2006

I got an email from a academic supervisor yesterday, completely out of the blue.
They had looked me up in the university phonebook for some reason and realised I was doing a PhD, and proceeded to ask if I was interested in publishing a paper on the work I did with them during my Masters, into a egyptology journal.

Like, WOW, totally out of the blue.

Anyway, they no longer work at the university and I didn't want to ask them where they were at, but was interested in knowing what they were now doing, so I did a Google. And boy, Wikipedia showed something amazing.

Someone (called Rebecca) write this MASSIVE biography on this particular person's life.
I learnt that they used to be a politician. And a SENATE seat holder!!!!! Like, WHAT THE!?

Then they had some issues with their political party, and returned to academia where I met them, and they are currently still involved with their religion too....

It makes you wonder how much you sometimes can tell from contact with people you know.... I mean, heck, goodness knows the history behind some of the people I know and met in my life, all this stuff out there.

Anyway, I think it would be cool to get my work published, so I will try and get that done.

It'll confuse the heck out of people though....

Uh, Anatomy, Microscopy, Engineering, Archeology?!? Wha.....?

Ahahaahaha, I love the fact that my life is such a total trashed mess... ah.

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