Friday 29 September 2006

Dear Readers.

I have come across some information that there is actually a lot of readers, they just don't want to identify themselves and leave comments, or tell me that they have been reading my blog. I know a few do/did/have but hey, that's ok, I accept that.

However, as the wheel turns, and the threads of fate and life are woven (and the fact that Robert Jordan is *still* alive), I'm probably going to cease a regular activity, and anything that I write will probably not pertain to personal matters at hand, especially due to some circumstances.

So, for those who are my real friends, thank you for reading. For those of you who have been reading for a source of material, my apologies for not longer being able to provide you with a rich source of material to do what you will with it. For those random strangers that may come across this blog, I hope you have some fun digging through my archives over the years and seen the very randomness that has been my life til now.

No doubt, I will blog again, but it will be a different blog. If you got any complaints, you can either let me know through means you know of, or just pop a comment to this post.


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