Wednesday 17 January 2007

And we're Back!

Well, as a tentative post, who knows how long this will go for to see if people are actually still reading my blog.

My father asked me today if I had a blog, it was a rather weird question but I guess there has been mention of them somewhere in papers or the news.

Well, I shall endevour to remove any of my personal life from this blog, and those who wish to can inquire about it to me directly, and if I deem you trustworthy enough then I shall discuss it. Otherwise you should just not bother coming back to read since I'm not going to have it here no more. I've learnt enough from the chenobyl style meltdown of 2006.

On my academic life, my PhD is advancing! Yay Woooooot!
My supervisor told me that my first draft of my upgrade document was one of the best he has read in years, and he was very happy with the quality of writing and the progress I was making. An upgrade document is one of those things that basically tell a review board what the heck you've done in the last x months with your time and research funding.

Also on the academic front, I have received both my journal paper reviews back finally.
Drying Technology Journal had one good and one bad review, however we believe we have addressed both of them appropriately to get the paper accepted for publication.
Journal of Food Engineering had both good reviews with recommendations on publication once a few issues were addressed. I'm currently working on them, and we also feel very confident on them being published.

On the other side, Archery is going up and down, but I have had some really good solid improvement thanks to my coach. I sent him some wine for christmas =)
My form has really picked up just due to some very simple things we changed, and well, it's getting close to the 1200 goal I originally set myself for April 2007. I'm shooting a 1160 score now relatively comfortable with only 90m and 50m being my sticking points, but I'm going to obviously preservere with it.

Everything else has been kind of mundane, been house sitting, so nothing terribly exciting was happening as such.

I went to Laser Tag (Zone 3 in Cromer, Sydney, thanks Angus!) and that was very much fun, but my legs suffered greatly for it for a few days afterwards hahahaha, but all in all, well worth it running around in the dark zapping each other.

New Years party was ordinary I guess, did get to play boules and Guitar Hero II and Buzz, so that was ok. I really like Guitar Hero, but it's supposed to be extremely hard on hard mode since no-one yet in our group can crack higher than medium.

Well, I guess that is mainly it for now.
Until next time folks, and welcome back!

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