Monday 22 January 2007

Got an email today from the chairperson for the session of my proposed presentation at the Asia-Pacific Drying Conference 2007, in Hong Kong.

Looks like my paper is one of 21 papers on spray drying for the conference. I must say, that is quite a lot, almost 10% of all the abstracts received for the conference. Now comes the fun part of actually writing the paper (note to self, sarcasm). They have been a bit strange this time, actually limiting us to 6 pages, unlike 12 pages for the last ADC in 2005..... So, looks like we will have to be very brief in regards to what and how we say whatever it is.

And, further more, to make things even trickier, the full paper is due March 18, which might seem like just under 2 months away, but that is a very short time to write a full paper, even if it is only 6 pages long. But what I don't really get about it is, if they are to be handed in by March 18, then why does it take until June 1 for them to get back to us saying if our papers are accepted for the conference ? Especially since reviewers would not take very long to review them if they are only 6 pages! Bizzare...

Well, I've now been introduced to Google Calender, and it's actually quite nifty, especially the share function where you can see other peoples events if they share them with you.... very nifty, to the point where it might even overtake my use of the conventional one stuck on my wall....

Yesterdays weather was pretty insane. Got up to 40 degrees Celsius in my room by the afternoon, and when I went to bed at nearly 1am, it was still 34 degrees..... I barely got any sleep and was pretty badly savaged by mosquitos too, so right now I'm very tired, but thankfully it is only 31 degrees, which means it will probably be around 26 by the time I go to bed, whenever that is.

I saw Employee of the Month yesteday, very very funny. If you have seen Waiting, and like that kind of style, then Employee of the Month is one you would like too. Make sure it is the comedy, not the thriller version, as there is another movie of the same title, where it's a little more ehhhh gruesome.... to which I have seen it and thus know.

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