Tuesday 5 February 2008

Man I am tired.
But, in a good way, a really really really good way. I had heaps of fun at Sam's Pool Party (that didn't involve any pool, be it swimming, or vomit for that matter lol). It was a medium sized gathering by my standards, with 17 people there throughout the night, not inclusive of Sam's parents and grandmother. I felt kind of bad making a lot of the noise we did so I hope we really didn't disturb them while they were trying to sleep, even if her grandmother said it was fine.

Had a heck of a drive from Concord Rd through Lane Cove and Delhi Rd to get across to Sam's place, a tree had fallen down during the massive rainfalls and traffic was banked up severely for it. Jimmy was kind enough to give me a lift. We got there and it was pretty much full swing with people sprawled all over on the couches playing the DS, watching Foxtel, watching YouTube clips on the laptop and generally having a good time.

I met a few new people during the party, Derek, and Bonnie primarily and saw Ben, not that I really spoke to him. We ordered a ton of Pizza's from Domino's Online and they were decent. It was quite expensive so I threw in $20 because I felt it wasn't really right to let Sam fork out for the whole lot considering that she is saving for her year exchange to Japan.

The night kind of went on in its own way, and we were watching more youtube, and pimp my ride, and southpark and then suddenly it was like 9:45pm or something like that. And then the addiction of the boys kicked in. They excused themselves and drove across to Chatswood to play DotA.... man, that is really slack and sad.... But I guess in a way, it was good because the remaining people we decided to watch a movie and enjoy it, and settled down to watch Monty Pythons Holy Grail.

I really like that movie, an all time classic, and what makes it so brilliant is the timeless dry wit of British humor that I would venture to say, a lot of younger people today would be lost upon due to their overexposure to weak slapstick sitcom American comedy. I hadn't seen it for quite a while actually, so I certainly enjoyed seeing it again. I can remember the first time I ever saw it, was during English at high school when my history teacher was too lazy to teach one afternoon and just put it on. It took two periods to finish (55minute lessons) but I think I missed a lot of the humor until later when I saw it again somewhere else. It is one of those movies that you really do have to see a few times to hear and see the quite clever lines.

At the end of the movie, the DotA boys came back, and milled a bit before some of them decided to go home because they had work and other things to do the next day. Me being in a state of relative limbo actually could afford to stay the night, so instead of getting a lift home with Jimmy, stayed. We actually decided to watch Life of Brian (another Monty Python classic, a parody of the Jesus story) but we never actually ended up paying attention to it since we embarked on a very long and varied discussion spanning many things.

Kendo, more Kendo, drinking games (Circle of Death), group 'bonding' games (Sexy Game??), and just general wtf (Lychee Game) lol. We also had a interesting discussion on each other in relation to our Kendo playing, and although it may have seemed like we were being harsh in critique, I don't believe we were out to hurt, but to help each other be better and be more aware of things that are quite often easy to miss or not see in the light it is seen by others. I was told that I am too technical in my playing, and I agree to that. My playing style is overthought, too technical and text-book, so it is very easy to know what I am doing, or as said in the Power of One by Bryce Courtney, I'm telegraphing my attacks to my opponent. We also had some talk about shinais, etiquette and things that shall not be discussed for general public ears LOL.

By this time, it was getting to be about 2am, and Sam's mother came out and kind of asked us to be quiet. That was really nice that she didn't tell us to shut up or go home or go to sleep, but just to turn down our volume. I really hope we didn't disturb them a lot, since I am positive we did disturb them LOL.

So the seven of us left migrated downstairs to Sam's room and continued our conversation. In all, the best way is to say that it was a D&M (Deep and Meaningful). We covered more things about Kendo, people in Kendo, life, relationships, behaviours, definitions between two words. And I think that for us in that room, we had a lot in common with the things that we have been through and I actually do feel closer in a way to them that I wouldn't have before. I'm being careful here in not being detailed obviously but, I really can say that I appreciated that honesty and open talk we did have and it was really fantastic. Much food for thought and I hope I wasn't the only one that got something out of our discussions.

It was funny, heartbreaking and heartwarming as well. We were also crammed ontop of Sam's bed squished like sardines underneath the "No Sex on this Bed" sign LOL underneath the blankets because the aircondition was on for circulating the air and stopping it from being stuffy.

It would appear that I need a make-over for my hair and wardrobe haha and I guess at some stage when Sam comes back Derek and I will be given a work-over by our own fashionvista that is Sam.

We didn't actually go to bed as such until 7:20am. And we kind of settled for a Power Nap before Sam had to get some paperwork ready for an 11am meeting at the International Office for her exchange. Of course, half way through the nap, her mother sticks her head in and wakes us by asking Sam when she'd be up and out and ready LOL. So it was really only a 6 minute powernap in a way. By the time my alarm went off, two of the guys were actually asleep, while three of us climbed out and went upstairs. I forgot to mention that two of the others had actually gone upstairs to crash out on the couch earlier and missed out on half of the stuff we went through downstairs.

So, some tea and cold pizza later, computer frustrations at courses with changed names and codes, we were out the door to catch a bus, which ended up being 20 minutes late, that resulted in us getting a train. We did manage to get to the International Office in time for Sam's 11am appointment which was great, and I hope it all went well.

So, checked into the office, nothing for me to do, nothing for me to look at really, found out another article of mine was accepted for publication, making it 2 this week. It means my thesis has now 4 accepted and published and 1 accepted but unpublished papers, while I have another paper but this time as a second author, while the conference paper for San Antonio TX is still not providing any information or feedback. Oh well, no big deal I guess.

Archery wasn't on because SU Sport put out a 'fields closed' notice, not surprising considering that there has been a ton of water coming down from the skies in the last 48 hours or so. So I pretty much left uni and went home.

I actually have other thoughts that I'd like to say, but I don't know if I should LOL I mean, ok, I don't know who reads this, though, I do know who has read parts of my blog. I don't know if there is any way to check if someone has signed up to RSS on my blog for updates etc either for that matter, so I guess at this moment, it is safer, wiser for me to keep my fingers quiet =)

Well folks, a rather long rant today, but a good evening that be had. Thank you Sam for having me over.

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