Friday 8 February 2008

Today, Friday, I had a club meeting for archery, and then kendo training.

The archery meeting went ok, had a chat about club prices, uniform, and the pamphlets we need for O-Week.

Kendo training was pretty tough today for me. The warmup was fine until the last bit where it was 100 hayasuburi, ok, normal, then 50 kote-men hayasuburi. That killed. I nearly keeled over from that. Then Ervin, who was leading, made us do fast footwork and I nearly cramped up. In waza training, we were concentrating on distance, from kamae at kensen distance to a hit. I have problems with that. I can't reach the distance easily at all and I fall really short. I don't really know how to work on it =( My feet are not holding up so well either =/ Ayaih.....

In Jigeiko, I played Maowei, Derek and David. Maowei was using tsuki on me, but it was ok, Derek was being too soft, he wasn't pushing me with his spirit or kiai, too too quiet. And David gave me quite a work out. He hits fast, hard, and I really had to put effort to keep pace and defend. But, he said half way, I kind of lost concentration, and I'm not surprised because I was extremely tired by then.

Not much really else happened for me at training, just that I have to keep pushing myself with my training and try harder if I can. After all, that is all I can do.

I drove home, ate, and then hopped on DDO while taking to Paul, Jimmy, Sam, Don and some randoms on ICQ as well. I'm going to decide if I'll go to training tomorrow depending on the weather and how my body feels because right now, as important as kendo training is for me in terms of exercise, I don't want to wear myself down to the ground. Especially if I'm also looking for work in that if I need to work straight off at something, I don't want to be all beat going to an interview etc.

I had a nice chat with Sam also tonight, as she prepares for her month long holiday in Japan with her family, lucky. Good conversation inbetween what I fathom to be frantic bouts of packing and brainstorming for things missing or what not LOL I guess holidays is always like that, but for me I just chuck in some clothes, undies, socks and worry about the rest when I get there if I don't have it, but then again, a month is a long time, though when I went to Canada for nearly a month, and Taiwan, I don't think I overpacked either..... Hmmm. Feng also sms'd me happy chinese new year, he has also just been to Japan apparently, lucky people going places.... sure I could afford it if I ate into my savings, because my bank account is quite low, only 3 digits and closer to 2 digits than 4 digits, but if I use my savings, I wouldn't have my deposit for a unit/house/apartment whenever I get around to actually affording one LOL.

I have actually been looking at a lot of properties online. For $300k, I could actually get a decent 3 bedroom place in some reasonable suburbs, or even some 4 bedroom places out west in suburbs that I'd rather not frequent if I don't have to. I think I will have to take a loan, but the question is how long to I save to reduce the size of the loan......... hmm, hard to say. Not to mention needing a job that would pay for the mortgage.

I heard from my industry sponsor, and they said that they are hoping to hear back from the contracts sent out by the end of next week, and if not, they'll go hassle em about it. So hopefully it'll be some good news for me in the job front that way. Hmm, and I think that was about it for my ordinary day.

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