Saturday 9 February 2008

Hi world, I'm blogging from City Hunter, Sussex St in Chinatown.
Today, being saturday, I went to training for Kendo, and the rain was terrible, absolutely bucketing down here and there. Still a good number of people turned up in the bad weather, dedication and discipline I believe. Or just boredom LOL.

Training was pretty good I guess, just as tiring and tough, more practice on kihon men, kote, doh cuts, as well as doing hiki men waza, and harai waza. My feet are killing me, more blistering pain. Louis' cuts are full on just as ever and hurt like buggery, but I am getting plenty of exercise I guess.

We had lunch at Broadway and discussed what they would like to do for the O-Week demonstration and I also played with Ervin's iTouch (16gb). It's really slim, I have never really seen one in person. Bao then pulled out his hacked iPhone and it's pretty chunky in comparison, but I don't think I'd use either of them, I quite like the smaller size and design of the nano (1st and 2nd gen, don't like the 'square' of the 3rd gen).

And thus, so I have ended up here blogging because we are waiting for other people to come from Market City to play, but knowing them, they are going to be playing DotA and I don't really know how to play DotA so I'll be playing something else LOL, oh well, the price to pay for being social I guess.

If anything else interesting happens I guess I will blog about it later.

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