Wednesday 30 August 2006

Yet another voiced opinion of feeling insulted that I am testing them with my questions, where my point is that it is not testing them, but to see who I am reflected through them.

Fine, don't answer it, I don't really care. Why?
Friends of mine, who know me, and are really friends would not see it that way, because althought worded awkwardly, no doubt would realised that there is something behind it that needed to be answered, and they would do so to help as best they can.

Four people, four, out of a large number, have responded.... and I know they are friends, because they did not complain, but did offer their apologies when they couldn't answer things I had asked, becuase they knew truthfully they did not know. Further more to this, one of them even asked if I was ok because they didn't like where my email/questions seemed to be heading. They didn't offer advice on the matter, but simply did what I had asked as help.

I am very proud, too proud, and rarely truely ask for help. And I ask for it in this way as best I could, but I can not help but feel saddenned that those who I thought perhaps were friends to me, have chosen to knock me back when I have asked for their help. Perhaps they want me to be down on my knees, begging for their answers to direct me.

Well, screw them, if that is the way they wish to be.....

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