Tuesday 19 September 2006

In response to the reviewers, here is an exerpt from my supervisor, to the assistant editor (who I met in Budapest)

Thank you for your kind words, and I respect your decision. However, I would like to appeal it, please. My grounds for appealing are that both referees for the original paper, presented to IDS 2006, gave it very positive remarks and high marks (both around 9/10, as I recall). Don would be happy to scan and email, or fax, the reports to you. This report from this referee is extremely dismissive and could easily be interpretedas an attempt to suppress an extremely original idea, which I believe that this is, and I believe that it is worthy of publication, please. As I recall, the only reason why we (you and I) did not recommend it for theIDS Special Issue when we chaired the session was that Don and I were going to submit it anyway. We have made the point clearly in the paper that the crystallization process in amorphous solids is probably universal, hence the wide range of materials studied. I think that the response is very surprising and actually quite extraordinary.

IDS being the budapest conference.

It is a rather bizzare situation, and even more so because my supervisor is a board member for the publication journal itself, and surely you could expect him to understand and know what is, or isn't suitable for publication?....

I guess it will have to be something to wait to see how it pans out.

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