Wednesday 6 February 2008

I didn't do too much today.

Being the eve for Chinese New Years, I stayed at home and helped with my parents for the prayers and also just bludged. I played a little bit of DDO, but nothing big because of the prayer stuff, and then I watched the new version of Pride and Prejudice, with Kiera Knightly.

My, she is beautiful. I really liked it, but having never seen the BBC version of it, I can't compare, although the diehards all say the BBC version with Colin Firth is a far better rendition to the proper version in text. Well, that may be true since it is almost three times longer than the movie so more opportunity to present the full story and events. Neverless, it was good and now I can say I have seen it. I already knew the story from seeing Bridge and Prejudice, the Bollywood version of it a few years back. I liked the soundtrack and the really amazing cinematography with the setting. I wonder what I'd look like in that 'victorian' era of clothing and gentlemanly behaviour. Probably an utter cad.

Another really cool thing today on ICQ. I've been getting lots of randoms adding me and just talking to improve their english. But, lo and behold, today someone from the old Wheel of Time RP that I used to do came online! So I had a really good and fun chat with Dannah. I sent her some pictures a long time ago from my SEM (scanning electron microscopy) collection when she had an office and needed decorations. So now, I'm thinking what I could print off and send since she is now married and was promoted also in the last few years of absence in communication. Hmm. Which, I have a lot of photos, but I don't know really what since none of them are uber cool looking.

Besides that, it was pretty quiet today, a bit on the warm side but now it is windy and overcast, so likely to be some more summer storm weather happening later tonight.

I was watching Bamboo Blade ep 16. Spoiler!
In it, one of the girls that Tamaki has to shiai against has a reputation of doing bad stuff to her opponents, like they mysteriously get injured before their match, or they lose/misplace their equipment or suffer some other mishap and thus the girl wins on default. And since Tamaki is so strong, she is also 'taken care of' in this manner, by being locked in a storage room by some underlings of this girl. I know this kind of stuff is actually possible out there in the real world, but I have never ever seen it, not in Fencing or Kendo yet, though I have heard of it in archery where someone went and tampered with peoples kits during lunch break. I know I could never do it, though I can joke about it, but, how common is this??? Is it more prevalent in some sports than others? I guess this is a type of match-fixing and it would appear that match fixing happens more than we hear about.....

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